Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Prior to FIO Mainnet, the primary goal was to attract, at the time, what was referred to as “FIO Members”, or wallets, exchanges, or payments processors who would sign an MOU with Dapix, indicating an intention to integrate in exchange for a set of FIO Tokens. These relationships were heavily personal and business-development focused.

Primary Activities:

  • Gain major press coverage for launch and MOU announcement to use as future leverage on other members

  • Directly interact/contact CEOs through Telegram/official email channels/conferences

  • Advertise on Twitter on LinkedIn with integration-specific messaging, targeted at these particular executives.


Dapix utilized PR primarily for pitching high-value stories (especially around integrations and when we raised funds). We heavily emphasized these stories as part of our onboarding process and pitches for wallets.

Biz Dev

Most marketing efforts surrounded direct outreach to potential FIO Members, either directly reaching out through Twitter DM, Telegram, and email.


Heavy use of advertising was used initially (and eventually diminished as social ads became more restrictive), primarily around follower campaigns and awareness campaigns focused on multivariate testing of various messaging.

Here is a variety of ads that were run: