Development Documents (Active)
Development Documents (Active)
- Released / Old
- [FIP-1.b] OBT Optimizations - Development Spec
- [FIP-14] BD-2041 Wallet sync, BP schedule verification, and API query Design for FIO API Security
- Cancelled: [FIP-21] BD-2240 Modify token locking to include staking
- [FIP-21] FIO Staking Development Spec
- FIP - Code Impact Overview
- [BD-2238] Add voter_info to fio.token accounts table - Development Spec
- ENS Layer 2
- [FIP-27] NFT Signatures
- Dashboard
- [FIP-30] pNetwork Support
- [WP-332] Improve Integration Experience
- Design for refactor of integration guide [BD-3156]
- [FIP-17.a] FIO Token Wrapping
- Wrapping - Servers
- Token Wrapping Project Plan
- Wrap
- Unwrap
- Oracle middleware
- fio.oracle Contract - Oracles and Fees
- fio.erc20 - wFIO Contract Specification
- Wrapping Test plan
- Wrapping (ETH)
- Archive
- Bridging Research
- Wrapping Threat Analysis
- [FIP-17] FIO Development Milestone Checklist
- [FIP-17] Deployment guide
- Wrapping Architecture Overview
- [Wrapping] Security Analysis
- [FIP-17.b] FIO Domain Wrapping
- [FIP-26 Domain Marketplace] Development Milestone Checklist
- [FIP-41] Enable token locking for existing accounts
- [BD-4229] Accuracy of vote weights
- BP Reserves Updates
- [WP-485] FIO System Wallet
- FIPs 36-39
- FIPs 36-40 Development testing guide
- FIPs 36-40 Development Milestone Checklist
- FIPs 36-40 Development Spec
- FIPs 36-39 Deployment and rollout guide
- FIPs 36-39 Performance and scaling tests
- FIP-40 design breakout
- [FIP-36] testing and release
- [FIP-37] testing and release
- [FIP-38] testing and release
- [FIP-39] testing and release
- [FIP-40] Register addresses on private domains (access control)
- [FIP-42] Enable FIO Address and Domain registration in a single transaction
- [FIP-43] Update get_fee validation
- [FIP-46] FIO read performance
- [FIP-46] Milestone Checklist
- [FIP-46] Deployment and rollout guide
- FIO -- Read performance of state access in FIO, overview
- get_fio_domains -- state read performance analysis
- regdomain -- action performance analysis
- FIO requests read performance analysis
- Design and Data Migration using lookup tables
- [FIP-46] Development - Spec
- [FIP-47] Update producer info
- EOSIO 2.x