FIP-41 Project Management Milestone Checklist

FIP-41 Project Management Milestone Checklist

The milestone checklist tracks the development tasks that need to be completed prior to moving the Epic or story into a new status










Github repo

project/<projectname> created


Project wiki

Project wiki created



Epic created for project


Requirements and Scoping



Meeting - Kickoff meeting

Kickoff meeting held with Product Manager to review requirements


Review FIP

FIP reviewed and moved to Accepted status


Review design

Review design


Review project stories and scope

Review project stories
Review scope


Update Dashboard

Update dashboard


Functional spec complete

Functional spec approved by architecture champions and team





Project checkpoints

Ongoing scrum and progress checkpoints during development



Stories created for any needed SDK updates (new getters or actions)
SDK dev complete
All SDK unit tests run cleanly





Merge to develop and install on DEV

Rebase feature branch and merge to develop for UAT testing
Release installed on DEV server


Feature complete

All bugs and outstanding items completed
JS tests completed


Product Management

Signoff from Product Management


Release Plan



Rollout planning

Create rollout/release plan for this effort (added actions, removed actions, table migrations, order dependent detailed instructions on how to roll out these changes successfully. include all necessary MSIGs)
Detailed instructions on how to verify that the rollout was performed successfully
Review the rollout plan and verification with architecture and QA/Integration teams





Test planning

Work with release team to ensure correct Testnet rollout (addaction, setfee, contract updates, etc).

See Release Milestone Checklist

Testnet rollout verification

Perform the Testnet rollout verification for the feature and report findings (add results to Dev Spec)





Test planning

Work with release team to ensure correct Mainnet rollout (addaction, setfee, contract updates, etc).

See Release Milestone Checklist

Mainnet rollout verification

Perform the Mainnet rollout verification for the feature and report findings (add results to Dev Spec)


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