FIP-41 Development Spec
Development Branches and PRs
fio.contracts – feature/FIP-41-develop-03012022
fio – develop
fio.devtools. – feature/FIP-41-develop-03012022
fio.test – feature/FIP-41-fiotest-develop-03112022
Development testing Procedures and findings
This document contains the dev testing performed during the development of FIP-41.
This document contains testing instructions for developers working on FIP-41.
FIP-41 Development testing guide
Summary of changes to fio and fio.contracts
please see PR referenced above.
Actions and Endpoints
please see PR referenced above
Structs and ABIs
please see PR referenced above.
no table migrations
existing locked token grant
new logic is being added that will allow locked token grants to accounts with existing locked tokens, we will want to be sure we test test test to ensure that accounts with existing locked tokens are managed properly when new locked token grants are added.
new logic is being added to fee collection to check if locks are mature (and remove them from the system). we will want to perf test this new overhead to the fee collection and load the system appropriately when doing so to try to uncover any unexpected performance costs of this new logic.
SDK Requirements
no SDK update necessary.
Performance Testing
ram use analysis was completed…the ram bump was reduced to 1200 TRNSLOCTOKS RAM Usage analysis
please refer to the dev testing plan as it will contain performance testing considerations and tests performed. FIP-41 Development testing guide
Fork Testing plan
no fork testing required. no core changes for this FIP.
please refer to FIP-41 release planning, testing, and integration guide and FIP-41 Deployment and rollout guide
Contract Rollout testing
please refer to FIP-41 release planning, testing, and integration guide and FIP-41 Deployment and rollout guide
Rollout/Release plan
Rollout/Release verification plan