FIP-39 Deployment and rollout guide
This document will contain the working instructions for deploying FIP 39 onto the main net version of the FIO core and FIO contracts. Any issues discovered will be included here.
Branches used in rollout testing
branch name is indicated in dev spec
Actions added
updcryptkey added to fio.address contract
./clio -u <URL> push action eosio addaction '{"action":"updcryptkey","contract":"fio.address","actor":"eosio"}' --permission eosio
Fees added
./clio -u http://localhost:8879 push action -f fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"update_encrypt_key","type":"1","suf_amount":"40000000000"}' --permission fio.fee@active
fee should be set same as add address.
Contracts for deployment
Instructions for contract rollout
on test net run the smoke tests which should now contain tests that use alternate keys for encryption.
on main net
verify that the action is present in get_actions (updcryptkey).
verify that contracts contain the new code for this new action
use a main net account to verify that alternate keys can now be used without issue.