[FIP-1.b] Development Milestone Checklist

[FIP-1.b] Development Milestone Checklist

The milestone checklist tracks the development tasks that need to be completed prior to moving the Epic or story into a new status







In Definition > Ready for Review



Complete FIP (if applicable)

FIP reviewed and moved to Accepted status


Complete functional / technical design

Development Spec Design draft complete and saved to Development Documents (Active)
Milestone checklist attached to Development spec

Design Draft should include a first draft of all elements outlined in the Development Spec.

Ready for Review > Ready for Dev



Design review

Functional spec approved by architecture champions and team


Finalize FIP

FIP updated with any changes resulting from design review


In Development > Ready for QA



Code complete

Code reviewed with dev team (thorough review of modified methods and files)
Development Spec updated to reflect the details of the implementation



Stories created for any needed SDK updates (new getters or actions)
SDK dev complete
All SDK unit tests run cleanly


Performance testing

First level performance testing results reviewed with architecture champions (can be performed on dev machine, try to uncover any obvious perf limits)

On feature branch

Unit testing

fio.test enhanced with functional tests
Tests run cleanly
Functional tests well documented (in fio.test) and reviewed with team

On feature branch

In QA > Ready for UAT



Merge to develop and install on DEV

Rebase feature branch and merge to develop for UAT testing
Install release on DEV server


Feature complete

All bugs and outstanding items completed
JS tests completed and run cleanly against DEV server

Develop branch on DEV server

In UAT > Ready to Deploy




Signoff from Product Management


Ready to Deploy > Devnet



Rollout planning

Create rollout/release plan for this effort (added actions, removed actions, table migrations, order dependent detailed instructions on how to roll out these changes successfully. include all necessary MSIGs)
Detailed instructions on how to verify that the rollout was performed successfully
Review the rollout plan and verification with architecture champions

Release checklist for bravo.

Devnet > Testnet



Devnet testing

addaction and createfee for new actions in fio.devtools
Release to Devnet using MSIGs
Perform functional tests on Devnet, review results with team (add results to Dev Spec)
Perform scalability and performance tests on Devnet (add results to Dev Spec)
JS tests completed and run cleanly on Devnet
Devnet fork test
Perform the Testnet rollout verification for the feature and report findings (add results to Dev Spec)


History node testing

Test against node with V1 History and confirm no errors in log file (add results to Dev Spec)


Testnet > Mainnet



Testnet rollout verification

Perform the Testnet rollout verification for the feature and report findings (add results to Dev Spec)





Mainnet rollout verification

Perform the Mainnet rollout verification for the feature and report findings (add results to Dev Spec)


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