WP Budget Tracking Changes 2022-07-15

WP Budget Tracking Changes 2022-07-15


A number of changes have been made to the Worker Proposal Jira system to better track spending and adherence to budget.


Added Budget Month to Payment container

This will allow for the Payment to be mapped to specific month for budget tracking. Please enter last date of month for which the payment is budgeted.

Modified permission on chnages

It is not possible to change the Worker Proposal once it is in the Active state. A WP Change sub-task has to be submitted and will have to be approved by the Steering Committee.

WP Change Sub-task

A new sub-task has been added to the Workflow and is intended for the Worker Proposal Lead to use to request changes to the WP, especially budget. It will go through Steering Committee approval. Submit this request, when the change to the WP is permanent. For temporary changes, e.g. 1 month increase to budget, use Temporary Budget Increase.

For details see Worker Proposal Process and Payments | WP Change

Temporary Budget Increase

A new sub-task has been added to the Workflow and is intended for the Worker Proposal Lead to use to request temporary increase the WP’s budget in specific month. It will go through Steering Committee approval. Submit this request, when the budget increase is temporary. For permanent changes, use WP Change Sub-task.

For details see: Worker Proposal Process and Payments | Temporary Budget Increase

Changed linking method for Payment Containers

Linking is now enforced to be an Active Worker Proposal and only 1 link is allowed. This is to properly track actual vs budget.

Added Short name to Worker Proposal

This is to make Budget easier to look at.

Added Valid from and Valid till to Worker Proposal

This will allow for multi-month budget forecasting and represents the specific approval that the Steering Committee has granted to specific Worker Proposal in terms of how long it is committing to funding it. Of course this can be changed at anytime, perhaps during Quarterly reviews. For now I made them valid till end of November.

Removed BTC/ETH from budget

Since we treat those as USD, they should be caprtured in USD budget. Actual payments can still be denominated in BTC or ETH.

Steering Committee Approval Required

Steering Committee Approval is explicitly asked for when:

  • Approving initial Worker Proposal

  • Approving WP Change

  • Approving Temporary Budget Increase

Since there is no easy way to require actual approvals in JIRA, a single Steering Committee member can approve, but they are required to type in the names of members who have voted for approval.

Budget vs Actual

I have updated the automatically updating budget tracker to properly reflect all above changes to give a real view of budget over multiple months and actual spend.

Changed USDT to USDC

For ease of tracking actual spend this applies to past payments as well, even though they were made in USDT.