Worker Proposal Process and Payments

Worker Proposal Process and Payments

Worker Proposals and Payments are tracked using https://fioprotocol.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/FIO/boards/49 project.

Worker Proposals

Worker Proposals are tracked in an issue type Worker Proposal. You can see all Submitted, Evaluating and Active Worker Proposals in Worker Proposal Board.



Name of your Worker Proposal.

Short name

Short name for the Worker Proposal, which will be used on budget tracking. Use 2-3 words, e.g. Promote FIO, Wrapping, Explorers.


High level descriptions of tasks that will be performed. Does not need to contained everything you will be doing. The Worker Proposal Lead will be held accountable to the KPIs, not the description.


Lists what will be measured to determine if project if project is successful. Should contain things that are measurable and contained targets planned to be achieved.

Budget Type

Specify how often this budget will be paid out:

  • Monthly

  • One-time

This is for information purposes and will be used by the Foundation for future forecasting only.

Total Budget USD

Total amount of budget to be spent in stablecoins. If this Worker Proposal is for multiple months, include the total amount in this field. For example: if your propose to spend $1,000 for 3 months, put $3,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.

Total Budget USD of Liquid FIO

Total amount of budget in USD to be spent in Liquid FIO. Specific amount of FIO will depend on rate of exchange at time of payment. For example: if your propose to spend $1,000 of FIO for 3 months, put $3,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.

Total Budget USD of Locked FIO

Total amount of budget in USD to be spent in Locked FIO. Specific amount of FIO will depend on rate of exchange at time of payment. For example: if your propose to spend $1,000 of FIO for 3 months, put $3,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.

Total Budget FIO of Liquid FIO

Total amount of budget in FIO to be spent in Liquid FIO. For example: if your propose to spend 100,000 of FIO tokens for 3 months, put 300,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.

Total Budget FIO of Locked FIO

Total amount of budget in FIO to be spent in Locked FIO. For example: if your propose to spend 100,000 of FIO tokens for 3 months, put 300,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.

Valid from

Specify starting date for when this Worker Proposal will be effective, meaning work will start.

Valid till

Specify last date for when this Worker Proposal will be effective, meaning work will end. There will be 14 day grace period for payments to be submitted after this date.

Budget description

Description of how will budget be spent. May include links to external spreadsheets.

Strategic Priorities

List of Strategic Objectives this Worker Proposal aims to satisfy.

Intellectual property ownership

Defines who will own intellectual property produced by this Worker Proposal.

Terms and Conditions

Indicates approval of DAO Worker Proposal Terms and Conditions .




When first submitted Worker Proposal is in Draft. Keep it in this state until you have provided all required information and are ready to submit it to the Steering Committee See Worker Proposal | What it contains? for more on what information is needed.


This state indicates that you have submitted your Worker Proposal and it is awaiting Steering Committee review.


The Steering Committee is evaluating your Worker Proposal.


The Worker Proposal has been approved and is considered Active. You should start working on your deliverables.


The Worker Proposal has either been completed, rejected, or is otherwise not active and not being considered.


Payments are tracked in an issue type Payment, which is a Sub-task of the Worker Proposal. You can see current Payments being Reviewed and Approved in Payments Board.



Please state Payment Description as follows “[Name of Worker Proposal] Month Year - Entity Name”, e.g. “[Core Infrastructure] June 2023 - Bob’s Enterprise”

Payee Representative

Link to the User who is being paid (if available in JIRA, otherwise, user entering payment)

Payee FIO Crypto Handle

Please provide FIO Crypto Handle where payment should be made. Please ensure that the FCH is mapped to the desired token type. Public address is also allowed.


Currency of payment.


Amount of payment.

Terms and Conditions

Indicates approval of DAO Worker Proposal Terms and Conditions .




When first submitted Payment is in Draft.


Once the WP Lead has reviewed and approve the Payment it is moved to Authorized. The amount will be automatically checked against budget for this Worker Proposal and if it exceeds the budget, it will be moved to Ready to Pay. If currency other than USD was used rate of exchange for close of business the previous date will be fetched and native amount computed.

Ready to Pay

The Payment is now ready to be paid and will be included in the next batch of payments. Foundation makes payments approximately once a week.


The Payment has now been executed on chain.


The Payment has been rejected.

WP Change

Once the Worker Proposal is approved, it can no longer be changed. This is to ensure that every change is approved by the Steering Committee. In order to change a Worker Proposal, the Lead must submit a WP Change sub-task on the Worker Proposal you want to change and specify what needs to be changed. Just like the initial version, it will go through Steering Committee approval.



Please state short description of what change is requested.

Change justification

Explain why the change is needed.

Fields being changed

Currently the following fields can be changed:

  • Description

  • KPIs

  • Budget Description

  • Total Budget USD

  • Total Budget USD of Liquid FIO

  • Total Budget USD of Locked FIO

  • Total Budget FIO of Liquid FIO

  • Total Budget FIO of Locked FIO

  • Valid from

  • Valid till

Please only enter the value you want to change! It will replace the value that was there previously!




When first submitted WP Change is in Draft. Keep it in this state until you have provided all required information and are ready to submit it to the Steering Committee

Ready for Review

This state indicates that you have submitted your WP Change and it is awaiting Steering Committee review.

In Review

The Steering Committee is reviewing your WP Change request.


The WP Change request has been rejected, the reason will likely be stated in Comments.


The WP Change has been approved and the corresponding changes have been made to to Worker Proposal. The Steering Committee may have make some changes so see Comments section.

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