Co-Marketing Campaign

Co-Marketing Campaign

A FIO Co-Marketing Campaign Campaigns are most appropriate for existing partnerships in which both parties have a substantial user base, but one partner (likely a wallet) has little ability to market to their own users.

Partner A is the wallet that can receive requests
Partner B is an exchange/app that can send requests

Approximate budget: $500 - $1000

Sample Announcement:
Calling all [Partner A] users - sign up for [Partner B] and get entered for chance to win [prize amount] when you deposit crypto with a FIO Request.

- Download and Register a FIO Address on [Partner A]
- Sign up for [Partner B] and register a FIO Address
- Send a FIO Request from [Partner B] to [Partner A]


  • Users download a FIO-enabled wallet and registers a FIO Address on the wallet domain

  • Users signs up on an FIO-enabled exchange and registers a FIO Address on the exchange domain

  • Users send a request from their exchange FIO Address to their wallet FIO Address to deposit some crypto

  • Users can comment on social media, we can also check on chain for the request to verify


Partners need to coordinate on marketing - FIO will likely not be the leads for this campaign. Both the wallet and exchange will want to make an announcement.
Check that the domains for both the wallet and exchange are public and available to be registered on. Make sure there is a limit imposed on the registrations allowed
There should be a recording/user-guide/blog post on how to enter - likely too difficult to show in one tweet.

During Giveaway

Both parties should be posting about the giveaway at least once a day throughout the 3-5 day campaign. The exchange should engage in additional marketing if the channels are available to them.
On the last day, FIO will award prizes (and record screen of doing so), and send list of winning FIO users to the partners. The partners will announce the winners.