FIO Weekly AMAs

Weekly AMAs, or ask me anythings, are one of the mainstays of all blockchain communities - across reddit, telegram, twitter, YouTube, etc. They are both great opportunities to gain exposure for FIO, and to also incentivize the utilization of FIO Addresses. The FIO Weekly AMA is primarily for Youtube, but contains a pre, during, and post set of activities.

Approximate budget: $100

Sample Announcement:
Weekly FIO AMA (with XXXXX) on Tues, Sept 16th at 5:00pm UTC. Send us a FIO Request for 50 FIO with the question in the Memo field and we'll approve the request for every question we answer (ask good questions and you'll get multiple answers).

Format (20-30 minutes in total):

  • 2 min - Introductions and welcome

  • 10 min - Overview of the weekly progress across Atlassian boards

    • Marketing

    • Biz Dev

    • Development

  • 10 min - Interview/Chat about topical news items and how it relates to FIO

  • 10 min - Go through AMA questions from FIO Requests

Pre-AMA (3-5 days prior):

Create AMA Graphic for use on social media
Draft and schedule social media announcement of AMA
Track user AMA questions to a single FIO Address (potentially reusable, but might get hard to reject).
Confirm with guest on time and date (double check time zone differences)
Zoom to Youtube Livestream (maybe periscope?)
Double check that FIO Requests are actually coming in

During AMA:

Secret code word at the end of the stream, whoever sends a FIO Request with that word in the memo field first wins.

Post AMA:

Assign out for someone to transcribe the video to post to blog