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How to get involved with FIO DAO?
FIO Protocol Improvements
Allow FIO Domains to be mapped to DNS record
Browser Plugin: Crypto Address to Crypto Handle Swap
Certified Wallet/Exchange
DeFi interaction using FIO Protocol
Eliminate Free FCH TPID rewards to partners
FIO as a Multi-chain Token Usability Solution
FIO Assets
FIO Attestations
FIO Blockchain - Validator Economics
FIO Empowering Inter-Exchange Transfer Liquidity
FIO Groups
FIO Layer 2
FIO QR Codes
FIP-45: Set price of FIO Domain registration and renewal based on length
Free FIO Handles
Issue with recognizing multi-sig deposits
Lightning Network Support in FIO
One-sided FIO transactions
Peg In to FIO: Other Blockchain Tokens on FIO
Positioning FIO to Facilitate Crypto Mass Adoption
Renaming FIO Crypto Handle
Request for Signature
Simple Send
Token code naming conventions for bridged FIO on other chains
Transitioning to a Grant Model Incentivization structure for Integration New Partners
Travel Rule Compliance
Using FIO Protocol in gaming
Improvements Archive
Domain Presale Renewal Proposal
Eliminate FIO Address expiration or burning
Enhanced permissions
FIO Co-op
FIO Marketplace
FIO Protocol and NFTs
FIO Staking