Using FIO Protocol in gaming

Using FIO Protocol in gaming


The purpose of this document is to describe how FIO Protocol could be used in gaming applications, specifically Web3 games.

Universal Username

Today, most Web3 games require a user to connect a wallet, which is typically unique to the specific blockchain. For example, Metmask is a very common wallet for EVM-based chains, but cannnot be used on Solana. In addition, the only value passed to the game is the public address itself, which is not a user friendly name. Some chains, like Ethereum, may have on-chains naming system, but those are typically not portable to other chains.

The FIO Crypto Handle has been designed to support multiple blockchains and work seamlessly across multiple wallets, exchanges and other blockchain client applications. As such is it perfectly suited to be used a universal log-in into Web3 applications such as games.

Benefits of using FIO Crypto Handle as a Universal Login

  • Can be mapped to a public address on any blockchain.

  • Can be used to send tokens or NFTs directly to the game from any wallet supporting FIO Protocol.

  • FIO Domains offer the ability to restrict, who can register a FIO Crypto Handle on a specific domain, which is a great way for users to showcase their affiliation with exclusive groups such as gaming guilds, e.g. user@gameguild can only be registered by the gameguild, but is still a self-sovereign handle owned by the user.

  • Games or guilds can utilize a co-branded version of the FIO Dashboard as wallet which hosts the FIO Private Key and enables FIO Crypto Handle registration and sign-in.

Sending tokens or NFTs out of game

Just like sending tokens out of a wallet or exchange, the FIO Crypto Handle can be used as an alias for a public address on any blockchain. Instead of asking the user to copy/paste the public address, the game can simply ask the user for a FIO Crypto Handle.

Sending tokens or NFTs to a game

If a game is using Universal Usernames, sending of tokens or NFTs to the game to be credited to the user’s account, is as simple as typing their FIO Crypto Handle into any wallet supporting FIO Protocol.

In addition, the game can send a FIO Request asking for a specific amount of tokens.


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