Unreal SDK -> FIO SDK
Unreal SDK -> FIO SDK
Related to Unity SDK -> FIO SDK
Unreal Engine has an http interface that can be used similarly to UnityWebRequest in created a standardized API interface between Unreal and FIO https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/API/Runtime/HTTP/ https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/API/Runtime/HTTP/ .
Game7 github Release of Web3 Unreal SDK:
GitHub - G7DAO/web3.unreal: Unreal Engine plugin for integrating with EVM compatible blockchains
web3.unreal is the first plugin to bring true web3 functionality to desktop games built with Unreal Engine. Start making reads and writes to any EVM compatible blockchain in minutes with globally available async blueprint nodes.