Bravo (fio.contracts 2.3.0) - Release Milestone Checklist

Bravo (fio.contracts 2.3.0) - Release Milestone Checklist

The milestone checklist tracks the release management tasks.








Devnet fork test (Dev lead)
Devnet performance test (Dev lead)
  • Run locking tests (Ed)

  • Install 2.2.x baseline

  • Add records (Todd)

  • Upgrade contracts to bravo

  • Josep table migration

  • Run fio.test and migration confirmation scripts

  • Bahamas upgrade, confirm migration and table lookups.


Run upgrade using set code and set abi (Dev lead)


History node testing

Test against node with V1 History and confirm no errors in log file (add results to Dev Spec)






Socialize changes with all BPs on Testnet and the community and marketing (Eric)
Monitor and coordinate the rollout with BPs (Eric)


addaction and createfee

msig to set addaction and createfee for new actions (Eric)
Encourage BPs to vote on new endpoint fee


createfee '{"end_point":"transfer_tokens_fio_add","type":"1","suf_amount":"958695652"}'

addaction '{"action":"trnsloctoks","contract":"fio.token","actor":"eosio"}'

  • xferaddress was already added as an action on Mainnet

  • transfer_fio_address already has a fee on Mainnet

  • trnsloctoks was already added as an action Testnet, but NOT Mainnet

  • transfer_locked_tokens createfee was added to Testnet, but NOT Mainnet

  • addgenlocked was already added as an action Testnet, but NOT Mainnet

  • updtotstkinc was added to Testnet, but should NOT be added to Mainnet. Needs to be removed from Testnet once get_actions is fixed)

  • addgenlocked does NOT need a fee. Only called by token contract.

  • transfer_locked tokens is calculated as fee = (number 90 day segments in the locking periods) * the fee. The fee should be defaulted to the same as transfer_tokens_pub_key.

addaction '{"action":"migrtrx","contract":"fio.reqobt","actor":"eosio"}' addaction '{"action":"addbundles","contract":"fio.address","actor":"eosio"}' createfee '{"end_point":"add_bundled_transactions","type":"0","suf_amount":"26000000000"


Make sure there is a release/n.n.x branch for current production release (should match contracts)
Confirm develop runs against new release, merge develop > master, and create release/n.n.x branch from master

GitHub - fioprotocol/fio.contracts at release/2.3.x



fio (chain)

NA for bravo

Release validation

JS tests and manual testing of Testnet.





testnet.spec.js ran cleanly (some future actions failed) against Testnet.

addaction and createfee


createfee '{"end_point":"transfer_tokens_fio_add","type":"1","suf_amount":"958695652"}'

addaction '{"action":"trnsloctoks","contract":"fio.token","actor":"eosio"}'

  • transfer_locked tokens is calculated as fee = (number 90 day segments in the locking periods) * the fee. The fee should be defaulted to the same as transfer_tokens_pub_key.

  • updtotstkinc was added to Testnet, but should NOT be added to Mainnet. Needs to be removed from Testnet once get_actions is fixed)

  • addgenlocked does NOT need a fee. Only called by token contract.

addaction '{"action":"migrtrx","contract":"fio.reqobt","actor":"eosio"}' addaction '{"action":"addbundles","contract":"fio.address","actor":"eosio"}' addaction '{"action":"trnsloctoks","contract":"fio.token","actor":"eosio"}' addaction '{"action":"addgenlocked","contract":"eosio","actor":"eosio"}' createfee '{"end_point":"transfer_locked_tokens","type":"0","suf_amount":"1400000000"}' createfee '{"end_point":"add_bundled_transactions","type":"0","suf_amount":"28000000000"}'

Mainnet prep





N/A for bravo


Waiting on release of API endpoints before updating Epic or Opportunity status.