Charlie Release
The milestone checklist tracks the release management tasks.
Task | Deliverables | Notes |
Devnet |
Testing | Devnet fork test Devnet performance test |
fio.contract | Run upgrade using set code and set abi | Ed TODO |
Testnet |
Communication | Socialize changes with all BPs on Testnet and the community and marketing (Eric) Monitor and coordinate the rollout with BPs | Eric sent telegram note to BPs giving heads up on release. |
addaction and createfee | msig to set addaction and createfee for new actions (Eric) Encourage BPs to vote on new endpoint fee Example:
| addaction '{"action":"trnsloctoks","contract":"fio.token","actor":"eosio"}' addaction '{"action":"addgenlocked","contract":"eosio","actor":"eosio"}' addaction '{"action":"updtotstkinc","contract":"eosio","actor":"eosio"}' createfee '{"end_point":"transfer_locked_tokens","type":"0","suf_amount":"1300000000"}' |
fio.test | Make sure there is a release/n.n.x branch for current production release (should match contracts) Confirm develop runs against new release, merge develop > master, and create release/n.n.x branch from master |
fio.contract | Create pre-release (Testnet Release Candidate - FIO Contracts vx.x.x-rc1) Update release notes Create PR for release msig fio.contracts rc release |
fio (chain) | Create pre-release (Testnet Release Candidate - FIO vx.x.x-rc1) Update release notes Track chain upgrade of BP |
Mainnet prep | Coordinate Mainnet rollout plan with the BP community, watch over the execution and help to ensure rollout is completed in full. Socialize release changes with all BPs and the community and marketing Perform the rollout verification and report findings |
Mainnet |
General | Move FIP status to Final and include release links (Eric) Update Initiative and Epic status (Eric) |
fio.contract | Move pre-release to release (Release - FIO Contracts vx.x.x) Create PR for release msig to set addaction and createfee for new actions Encourage BPs to vote on new endpoint fee msig fio.contracts release Perform the rollout verification and report findings Post msig links to main FIO Telegram channel so member can track progress |
fio | Move pre-release to release (Release - FIO vx.x.x) BP mainnet node upgrade checklist is complete (BP spreadsheet, or create one in Jira) Perform the rollout verification and report findings Scan API nodes to confirm server_version_string (will not catch everything, but a good check) |