Adopt Antelope-Memento for FIO
Project Overview
The purpose of this project is to develop a blockchain storage solution for FIO Chain, an EOSIO-based blockchain.
The solution will be based on existing open-sourced projects, specifically:
In a nutshell, antelope_memento consumes blockchain transaction data called action traces using websockets (eos-chronicle), parses them and inserts relevant information into RDB, which can then be queried via API.
The goal is to customize the parsing rules to adopt to the specifics of the FIO Protocol and store data unique to FIO in FIO-specific data model, so that it can be queried more easily.
Phase I
The initial phase of this project will involve the following:
Set-up FIO Chain node:
Set-up Chronicle: to consume data from Step 1. This step may require forking and/or some configuration changes specific to FIO.
Set-up Antelope-Memento: to consume data from Step 2. This step may require forking and/or some configuration changes specific to FIO. The goal is to just record traces into the RDB. FIO specific data parsing will be done it subsequent phase.
Phase II
If Phase I is accomplished satisfactorily, this phase will be about creating FIO-specific data model and parsing traces to populate that model.
Description of initiative: FIO Chain Data Storage