2023-12-19 Meeting summary for Steering Committee Monthly Call

2023-12-19 Meeting summary for Steering Committee Monthly Call

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Quick recap

The meeting was primarily focused on discussing the progress of different proposals, campaigns, and partnerships. Wayne provided an update on the growth and Rev. Ops worker proposal, noting that they were slightly under budget but had missed their target for domain registrations and audience growth rate. He also discussed their co-marketing program and upcoming events. Pawel presented the core infrastructure proposal review, highlighting the challenges faced with token domain implementation and block producer engagement. He also demonstrated a preliminary version of the Metamask functionality and shared updates from the steering committee meeting and board meeting. The team also discussed potential partnerships with Coinbx and Alchemy Pay and proposed modifications to the voting process.


Steering Committee: Proposal Review and November Update

Pawel started the meeting by clarifying that the purpose of the meeting was to review the work of proposals and discuss any other open business for the steering committee. Wayne then presented the November update for the growth and Rev. Ops worker proposal. They reported that they were slightly under budget and slightly over in liquid Vo. The KPIs showed that they met their target for handle registrations but were way off on domain registrations. They also did not hit the target for audience growth rate. However, they did see respectable growth on social media channels. Wayne also mentioned that there were no SAS sales yet, but they had some deals closing soon. Finally, Wayne discussed the activities they did in November, including a co-marketing contest with Mike Taylor.

Co-Marketing Program Performance Reviewed

Wayne discussed the co-marketing program's performance, which focused on handling registrations. They detailed the different campaigns run, such as the custom domain campaign, fewoph contests, gratitude domain campaign, Fe art campaign, and the field art campaign. Wayne also mentioned that they had to pick winners for the field art campaign and that there were over 400 NFTs minted so far. They then reviewed the costs and results of each campaign, noting that some were profitable while others, like the Michael Container campaign, were not. Wayne concluded that they needed to reassess their approach to increase the number of registrations.

Campaign Progress and Future Events

Wayne discussed the progress of their campaigns, noting that they are generating traction. He mentioned attending various events, including the finance blockchain week in Istanbul and the World Blockchain Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. They also outlined future events, including some in Denver, Dubai, and Austin. Wayne further discussed partnerships, outlining the status of various projects and proposals with different platforms. Towards the end, Pawel suggested considering an event outside of the venue for potential partners during the Denver event. Wayne agreed to look into both the sponsorship costs and the possibility of a side event.

Core Infrastructure Proposal Review and KPI Discussion

Pawel presented the core infrastructure proposal review for November, noting that they were under budget. They discussed the primary Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), including a significant drop in the 3-tier link 12-month count of major minor releases due to team size reductions and release struggles. Pawel also mentioned ongoing issues with an oracle affecting the token domain implementation. They then moved on to the secondary KPIs, reporting similar registration numbers to the previous month but a drop in domains compared to the previous year. Pawel also discussed the progress of a release that has been in the works for a while and the challenges they've faced with block producer engagement. They mentioned plans for a signing party in January to deploy the release, which is dependent on block producer engagement. Finally, Pawel discussed the Metamask work, which could potentially support the Po protocol.

Metamask Snap Integration and Future Plans

Pawel demonstrated a preliminary version of the Metamask functionality using a developer version of Snap, known as Flask. They explained the process of connecting to the Snap through Metamask and displaying a public key derived from the private key within the Snap. Pawel mentioned that the integration is expected to be deployed at the beginning of next year and suggested Wayne to start considering marketing strategies for it. They also discussed the ongoing work on enabling snap to handle resolutions, an upcoming feature that will let a snap do a resolution of a handle, and the continuation of the Metamask snap integration development in December. Lastly, they acknowledged that they have yet to work on contributor satisfaction and website uptime.

Steering Committee Updates and Community Engagement Plan

Pawel shared updates from a steering committee meeting and a board meeting. The steering committee decided to continue funding at the same level for worker proposals through April, with a discussion planned for early March. Pawel also mentioned a board vote count scheduled for April 15th, emphasizing the need for increased community engagement. Wayne suggested a plan to educate the community about community governance, with a focus on the upcoming vote in April. There was also a discussion about collaborating with NFT projects and setting up a gated NFT registration page for a New Orleans society. The team also discussed a person named Ossiman Jane, who is working on a project in Istanbul and has valuable input.

Discussing Potential Partnerships With Coinbx and Alchemy Pay

Wayne discussed potential partnerships with Coinbx, an Indian crypto exchange, and Alchemy Pay, an on-ramp and off-ramp provider. The conversation with Coinbx revolved around a renewed interest in a full integration, which could capitalize on India's robust crypto adoption. Wayne also mentioned a potential integration with Alchemy Pay, which could facilitate easier token purchases via a widget on their dashboard. However, Wayne asked the team if they saw value in this partnership, as it would come with a $10,000 integration fee. Pawel further clarified that such an integration would be limited to registration only unless the private keys were controlled by the central exchange.

Case-by-Case Opportunity Evaluation Strategy".

The steering committee discussed their strategy of evaluating individual opportunities case by case. Pawel suggested that these opportunities should be evaluated based on potential benefits such as user generation. They also shared their personal inclination to favor exploring new opportunities over existing ones unless there is a clear potential for high impact. Wayne was seeking feedback on whether it was worth their time to negotiate a potential integration with a company, and the consensus was that it was worth exploring. Wayne also noted that they would gather more details about the company's platforms before making a proposal to the steering committee.

Voting Process Modifications and Transparency

Emily expressed concerns about the voting process for the board, highlighting the potential impact of auto proxies on voter turnout. Pawel, however, believed that many voters may not be interested enough in the voting system's complexity. They suggested modifying the voting process to count proxy tokens, which would require approval from the steering committee and board ratification. Pawel also proposed making the voting process easier for users and focusing on engaging partners with many tokens. Emily suggested creating a subpage on the website to increase transparency. They agreed to consider these suggestions and scheduled the next steering committee call for January 16th.

Next steps

  • Wayne will consider the possibility of hosting an event outside of the Denver conference venue.

  • Pawel will continue working on the Metamask snap development and integration.

  • Wayne will work on marketing strategies for the new Metamask functionality and encourage community engagement in the board vote.

  • Wayne will also consider reaching out to potential board members to fill the open seat.

  • Wayne will negotiate with Alchemy Pay to lower the integration fee and prepare a proposal for the steering committee.

  • Pawel will consider modifying the voting process to count proxy votes and extend the voting period.

  • Pawel will update the website to allow voting directly from the website.

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