2024-7-16 Meeting summary for Steering Committee Monthly Call

2024-7-16 Meeting summary for Steering Committee Monthly Call

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Quick recap

The team discussed a new approach to manage foundation revenue accounts and the June operations report, which highlighted an overspent budget and the need for better marketing strategies. Pawel provided updates on the core infrastructure worker proposal, the ongoing migration of the registration site, and potential partnerships, while also addressing a recent denial of service attack. Lastly, they deliberated on a worker proposal to increase domain registrations, the challenges of tracking its impact, and the potential incorporation of educational content on the main website.


Managing Foundation Accounts and Thresholds

Luke proposed a new approach to manage accounts that collect revenue for the foundation, suggesting a multi-sig account managed by the Treasury for all revenue. Pawel agreed with the idea but raised concerns about the process for handling funds and the need for a threshold for adding a foundation permission. Wayne suggested simplifying the system for better management and discussed potential redundancy and integration issues. The team agreed to continue exploring these ideas, with a focus on setting thresholds for revenue accounts and the potential for transferring excess funds to the foundation treasury wallet. They decided to take this matter offline for further discussion and to consider the implications for the budget.

June Operations Report and Partnerships Update

Wayne presented the June operations report, highlighting an overspent budget but an underspent liquid FIO. While revenue was over target, it only accounted for a small portion of the spend. The report showed a significant increase in handles reaching the target, but domains remained a challenge. It also indicated a slight audience growth and loss of Twitter followers. Wayne discussed the company's marketing activities, partnerships, and plans for July. He mentioned upcoming events he would attend and valuable connections made. Wayne also provided updates on various partnerships, integrations, and potential collaborations with entities like Vision NFT marketplace, exchanges, and wallets. Additionally, he discussed exploring chain interoperability, educational courses, the affiliate program, and proposals with security firms.

Pawel's June Proposal and Blockchain Updates

Pawel provided an update on the core infrastructure worker proposal for June, highlighting that the monthly budget was below the target but still within the 3-month budget. He reported an increase in KPIs, a decrease in bug reports, and a significant increase in renewals. Pawel also discussed various issues and updates related to the blockchain, including the release of a new version of the oracle software and progress on various projects. He further shared updates on the ongoing migration of the registration site to the field app, the planned 24 release, and the design of a governance section in the field app. Lastly, he addressed the foundation's financials, the potential depletion of the free video handle giveaway buckets, and a recent denial of service attack.

Registration Site Migration and Worker Proposals

Pawel clarified to Luke that the recent denial of service attack did not impact the registration site, which is running on a different stack. However, the migration to the new stack, which would include the registration site, has been delayed due to potential issues with the API component. Wayne asked about creating partner landing pages, to which Pawel advised waiting a few days as the registration side content has already been migrated. Pawel also mentioned that he would look into an issue reported by Gil regarding landing page creation. Lastly, Pawel presented two worker proposals, one for two months and the other for one month, with rates of $5,000 and $10,000 respectively, for the roles of 'X awareness' and 'bus growth coordinator'.

Worker Proposal for Increasing Domain Registrations

Pawel presented a worker proposal aimed at increasing domain registrations to 250 per month, which would be a significant increase from the current 75. The proposal involves engaging with the community on the X platform and Twitter to bring awareness to the topic. Mark was identified as the main account for these activities, with some coordination planned for the joint fear account. Emily raised a question about tracking the impact of this proposal on domain registrations, to which Pawel suggested looking at the aggregate number increase. Wayne proposed creating a custom landing page for the T-PID to track the results of the proposal.

Domain Registrations Strategy Discussion

Wayne, Pawel, and Emily discussed the challenges and potential solutions for increasing domain registrations for their project. Pawel suggested a worker proposal to track registrations through specific landing pages, but highlighted the risk of the proposal not yielding results. Emily proposed either reducing the cost or increasing the minimum domain registration to mitigate risk. Pawel agreed to explain the proposal and demonstrate its effectiveness within a month.

Worker Proposal, Anonymous Voting, and Content

Pawel led a discussion on the worker proposal, which was set to be voted on offline. George expressed his preference to remain anonymous in the voting due to transparency concerns, a point that Pawel agreed should be evaluated. Wayne proposed the idea of incorporating educational content on the main website, which Pawel and George were generally open to, although Pawel noted that branded content would require a higher threshold. Finally, Wayne and Pawel agreed to schedule a separate meeting to discuss market maker matters and Pawel's availability for this was confirmed via the team calendar.

Next steps

  • Pawel to set up a separate conversation with Luke and Wayne to discuss handling of T-pid revenue and foundation funds.

  • Pawel to submit a steering committee decision regarding using foundation liquid funds to bridge potential gap between free FIO handle funds running out and FIP-48 implementation.

  • Pawel to investigate issue with saving partner landing pages reported by Gil.

  • Steering committee members to cast votes on the X awareness and FIO growth coordinator worker proposal.

  • Wayne to schedule calls with Pawel using the Team Up calendar.

  • Wayne to explore adding educational content to the FIO website, starting with the Mighty platform.

  • Pawel and Wayne to look into setting thresholds for when worker proposals should send revenue to the foundation treasury.



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