2024-8-13 Meeting summary for Steering Committee Monthly Call

2024-8-13 Meeting summary for Steering Committee Monthly Call

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Quick recap

Pawel and Wayne discussed the company's budget, domain registration statistics, and the introduction of new features, as well as ongoing work on the 211 release and the migration to the Fio app stack. They also reviewed the company's partnerships, marketing efforts, and the potential for a freemium model to handle depleting free handles. Lastly, they addressed the need to improve liquidity, the low volume of field usdt, and the delay in generating revenue from the Meta Key partnership.


Pawel's Report on Budget, Features, and Migration

Pawel reported that the company was 15,000 and 20,000 below budget for the past three and overall periods, respectively. He highlighted the introduction of a new feature enabling users to register a domain and a handle simultaneously, which positively impacted domain registration statistics. Pawel also discussed ongoing work on the 211 release, the new Oracle software version, and block producer stats. He noted the completion of the migration from the registration side to the Fio app stack, along with the launch of a new release in July that added API capabilities to the Fio apps and enhanced branding capabilities for partners. Lastly, he revealed plans to introduce a governance feature to allow domain owners to monetize their domains through the affiliate program and reminded the team about the upcoming board vote count on the 16th.

July Income, Budget, and Marketing Efforts

Pawel reported an increase in July income from dashboard registrations, but noted a decrease in treasury and runways. Wayne then presented the July 2024 budget, indicating that they were under budget for both USD and liquid PHEO. He also discussed the company's KPIs, highlighting an increase in revenue but a challenge with domain growth. Wayne further shared the team's marketing efforts and campaign results, including the acquisition of new followers and partnerships, but noted that the Freedom and Ether Mail campaigns were net losses.

Wayne Discusses Partnerships and Upcoming Campaigns

Wayne discussed various partnerships and collaborations the company is working on. He highlighted upcoming campaigns, including an awareness campaign and a marketing campaign with Trust Wallet. Wayne also revealed the company's participation in several events and their plans for future ones, as well as their work on live integrations with Coin Stats. He further detailed partnerships and integrations with companies like XDC, Kima, Metami, Fisin, Bluebird, Yom, and Oma 3, among others. Lastly, he discussed the company's efforts to improve liquidity by listing on various exchanges and mentioned pending deals with Trust Wallet, Ether Mail, Carnomaly, Fastx, Village Dow Mou, Vinyl Lab, and Oculus and Tangim.

Freemium Model and Meta Key Partnership

Wayne discussed the low volume of field usdt and the potential to introduce a freemium model, where users can earn mobile minutes by watching ads or completing surveys. This idea was met with mixed feelings and will be explored further in future discussions. Pawel requested a report on the Meta Key partnership, which has been a significant investment for the foundation. Wayne acknowledged the delay in generating revenue from this partnership. Luke reported that Mou is getting signed and adjustments to permissions on different buckets were completed. He also mentioned the need to address token grants that have become illiquid due to Theo's price change.

Addressing Lock Tokens and Financial Spend

Luke discussed his intention to address the issue of sending multiple lock tokens to the same address, which he acknowledged as an economic irrelevance but a necessary task. Pawel proposed simplifying the grant process by considering the number of periods rather than the number of times a grant is sent. Luke agreed to make this a priority for the current quarter. Pawel also provided an update on the Antelope tool and the X awareness and buzz growth worker proposal. The team was asked to review these proposals and decide on their support. Lastly, Pawel reminded the team about the decline in the FIO token price and the need to review the financial spend in the next steering committee meeting.

Exploring Freemium Model for Handles

Wayne proposed a new freemium model to handle the issue of depleting free handles. The idea is to allow users to pay with attention by watching ads instead of with money. Wayne suggested this could be a way to drive paid handle registrations. Emily agreed that it was an interesting idea but highlighted potential issues such as the type of ads and how they would be segmented. Wayne agreed to further explore the details and potential of this idea.

Next steps

  • Wayne to prepare a report on the MetaKeep partnership for the next steering committee meeting, including accomplishments, costs, and registrations generated.

  • Luke to review and propose a simplified approach for handling token grants, potentially consolidating them into a lump sum liquid token payment.

  • Steering committee members to review Domain Expert's performance report and vote on the new worker proposal for extension.

  • Wayne to further explore and develop a proposal for a potential "freemium" model for handle registrations using ad-based funding.



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