[Release n.n] Release Checklist

[Release n.n] Release Checklist

This document is intended to assist release managers in tracking the progress of required work items for a given release. Lead developers can use this checklist to understand how they might assist the release manager in achieving a release of the FIO protocol.

Release Stakeholders







Product Manager (PM)

Core Product Manager for release

product discord channel

Release Manager

Primary tech resource for release

devs-internal channel

FIP Developer

Developer responsible for coding change

devs-internal channel


QA or developer responsible for coding change

devs-internal channel


Block Producers

Telegram Mainnet and Testnet

FIO Developer Community

Broader FIO community of developers

Dev Hub

Account Management

Foundation group responsible for partner communication

partner-success channel


Foundation group responsible for broad communication

marketing channel

Please refer to the field descriptions below the checklist for more information on each item.




Jira Links and Notes




Jira Links and Notes

Release planning




Update Master Release Schedule


Update master release schedule with all release info


Create project wiki


Create a project wiki created for release under Releases This will be used to store all relevant release documents. Example.


Release stories and subtasks


Create and epic, stories, and subtasks for release. There should be a story for:

  • Release N.N/M.M Project Management

  • Release N.N/M.M QA

  • Release N.N/M.M Release Management

Subtasks should be created for each item in this checklist.


Release kickoff meeting


Set up a kickoff meeting with team to review release


Release plan

Release Manager

Create rollout/release plan for this effort (added actions, removed actions, table migrations, order dependent detailed instructions on how to roll out these changes successfully. include all necessary MSIGs). This should include detailed instructions on how to verify that the rollout was performed successfully.

Once complete, review the rollout plan and verification with architecture and QA/Integration teams.

Release script template: [Release n.n] Release Script

Master release plan: Master Release Plan

See example: [fio 3.3 fio.contracts 2.7] Release script






Security - Code audit


A security focused audit of contract modifications should be strongly considered for any new actions, or any modifications to actions that involve changes in authorizations, or error logic. Code audits can be performed by core team members, or they can be performed by third parties specializing in EOSIO security issues.

Findings for security audits are sensitive and may be published to the public after careful consideration of the consequences of publishing this material. Once vulnerabilities have been adequately addressed all findings and remediations should be posted to the wiki for the project in question. Provide a set of links to completed items, or provide a point of contact for your project if items are in work.

Security documentation: https://fioprotocol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FO/pages/141262894


Vulnerability testing


The feature may benefit from security focused stress testing. This testing may be performed by core team members, or by contracted parties hired for the project. The testing might take an EOSIO specific focus, with the addition of penetration, fuzz, gaming the system, and other vulnerability testing is strongly advised.

This is still TBD on how to do this on a regular basis.

Bug bounties


Some features may benefit from placing a bounty on the contract modifications. Your feature should consider offering a reward if any community member is able to discover security flaws, or vulnerabilities in new features. These bounties may be long lived, and they may require the use of private test instances of the fio test net to provide hackers ample opportunity to “break the chain”.

This is still TBD on how to execute





Local - Release rollout testing

Release Manager

Validate release script, updated by developers for each feature, detailing all addaction, createfee, and new and existing contract updates

Perform local (single machine) test to validate release script

See: https://developers.fioprotocol.io/docs/developers/devnet#local-testing


LocalNet - Performance and Scaling

Release Manager

Verify performance and scalability tests run on LocalNet (and results added to Dev Spec)

Identify performance and scalability tests to run on DevNet






DevNet Setup

Release Manager

Environment: https://fioprotocol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FO/pages/114131133

Repo: https://github.com/dapixio/fio-devnet

Testing Overview: Devnet Testing

MultiSig Process: Multisig

Create msig: actions capturing release items for injest into mSig tool.


DevNet - Contract Testing

Release Manager

Baseline Smoke test using fio.devtools/fio.test framework

See: DevNet Contract Test

This step sets the baseline for future DevNet tests

  • Clone release baseline

  • Run local 3 node setup via fio.devtools start.sh

  • Run npm test with smoketest target

    • Include mSig test to run mSig propose, approve and execution.

DevNet - Fork testing

Release Manager

Complete fork testing per DevNet Fork Test. May include baseline smoke test per above

This task has two flavors:

  • Chain upgrade via build of current release version, build of future release version and upgrade of nodes via fio-devnet scripts, followed by smoketest

  • Chain upgrade via build of current release version and execution of release script items, addaction, createfee, new account (w/priv and ram limit update) and set contract

Use of fio-devnet scripts one can verify update of 3 or 6 BPs at a time against the remaining BPs as blocks are processed

Direct execution of release script items, especially setcontract, is helpful to see BPs block production continues normally.

DevNet - Regression testing

Release Manager

Full fio.test regression tests completed and run cleanly on Devnet


DevNet - mSig Release rollout testing

Release Manager

Validate release using mSigs. See FIO mSig Adminer. Note that this is the FIO mSig Admin tool (fork of cryptolions tool). See Devnet Testing for test and validation info.

This is TestNet simulaton test where the release script items are rolled up into multiSigs and executed on the DevNet chain. This step will exercise mSig propose, mSig 2/3 + 1 approvals, as well as the mSig execution step.

Example mSig review and validation;

  • ./clio -u <DevNet API Node> multisig review <Proposer> <Proposal Name>

DevNet - Contract Testing

Release Manager

Same as above, but performed on msig version of Devnet


DevNet - Regression testing

Release Manager


DevNet - Performance/Scalability testing

Release Manager

Perform DevNet performance and scalability tests

Performance and Scalability testing is a responsibility of the Developer and QA, however, it may be necessary to identify release level performance and scaling requirements


SDK Pre Release


Changes to Typescript SDK may be necessary for each release of the FIO protocol. SDK changes should go through a QA process. The release manager must integrate the SDK changes required for a release, then perform acceptance tests on these changes.


SDK pre-release - release story


Create story (if not already done) to track SDK Release


SDK pre-release - dev complete


Confirm that SDK development is complete for all features in release


SDK pre-release - release candidate

Release Manager

Create release/n.n.x branch (where n=contract release number)

Create pre-release (Release Candidate - FIO Typescript SDK vx.x.x-rc1)


Testnet Setup




Testnet setup - fio.test pre-release

Release Manager

  • Create release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch (where n=contract release number and m=chain release number)

  • Confirm that the package.json references the new kiosk_typescript branch


Testnet setup - SDK Update fio.test to point to SDK release branch

Release Manager

Update fio.test package.json file to point to the SDK pre-release.


Testnet setup - fio.devtools pre-release

Release Manager

Create release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch (where n=contract release number and m=chain release number)


Testnet setup - fio.contracts pre-release

Release Manager

  • Create release/n.n.x branch (where n=contract release number)

  • Create pre-release (Testnet Release Candidate - FIO Contracts vx.x.x-rc1)

  • Update release notes

  • Create PR for hashes on fio.mainnet > releases-testnet.md


Testnet setup - fio pre-release

Release Manager

  • Create release/m.m.x branch (where m=chain release number)

  • Create pre-release (Testnet Release Candidate - FIO vx.x.x-rc1)

  • Update release notes

  • Replay test by BP (needs to be defined and documented

  • Track chain upgrade of BPs


Testnet Release




Testnet release - Facilitate the creation and proposal of Release mSigs

Release Manager

  • The proposer has to be an active BP.

  • BP to create msig to set addaction and createfee for new actions

  • BP to create mSig for new account

  • BP to create msigs for updated and new contracts (note that multiple mSigs are created for set contract)

  • Required approvers

    • Use top 30 BPs on Testnet

  • Review msigs using clio multisig review and table query

    • Check permissions

    • Record the msig propose content

  • BP to post msigs to Testnet channel

  • Coordinate rollout with BPs via Telegram TestNet channel

Use of FIO Block Producer, i.e. nyvrxkxhiyql, and TestNet node,, is recommended for proposal.

Testnet release - BP mSig Approval

BP TestNet community

  • Monitor and coordinate with active BPs via Telegram TestNet channel


Testnet release - BP mSig Execution

BP TestNet community

  • Monitor and coordinate msig execution

  • Before execution

    • Confirm that there are at least 16 approving BPs which are in the top 21

  • After execution

    • Check next block for errors

Use of FIO Block Producer, i.e. nyvrxkxhiyql, and TestNet node,, is recommended for execution.

Recommend mSig execution one at a time to properly validate. mSig execution frequency every 5 minutes recommended for chain block production.

Testnet release - Release validation

Release Manager

  • Confirm ABIs deployed correctly (using ./clio get abi)

  • Confirm createfee added fees with correct endpoint and type

  • Confirm addaction added correct actions with correct contracts

  • Confirm contract hashes using fio.devtools wasm/hash tool

  • Check blocks by calling api (via Postname or curl) with

    <DevNet API Node>/v1/chain/get_block with json body of '{"block_num_or_id": "<Trx Block Nbr"}'. Check following blocks as well as multisig commands are deferred transactions.

Testnet release - Smoketest

Release Manager

Update fio.test smoketest with new actions and getters and run against Testnet


Testnet release - Manual Feature validation

Release Manager

Perform manual validation for all actions and getters listed in the Master Release Plan.

Also work with developer to do any release validation testing noted in the Deployment and Rollout guides.


Testnet release - Foundation Testnet API Node*

Release Manager

Update FIO Testnet API node

See: https://developers.fioprotocol.io/docs/chain/node-build


Testnet release - Communication

Release Manager

  • Socialize changes with all BPs on Testnet and the community and marketing


Mainnet Setup




Mainnet setup - Mainnet prep


  • Create upgrade checklist of BPs and integration partners

  • Work with account management to coordinate Mainnet rollout plan with the BP, wallet, and exchange community, watch over the execution and help to ensure rollout is completed in full.

  • Socialize release changes with all BPs and the community and marketing


Mainnet setup - fio.test


  • Merge release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch to master, create vn.n.n_m.m.m tag

  • Run test tag against new release


Mainnet setup - fio.devtools


  • Merge release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch to master, create vn.n.n_m.m.m tag

  • Update base contracts to current mainnet contracts

  • Update readme to show new version changes on fio

  • Merge to master and cut a new tag/release


Mainnet setup - fio.contract


  • Merge release/n.n.x branch to master, create vn.n.n tag

  • Move pre-release to release (Release - FIO Contracts vx.x.x)

  • Create PR for hashes on fio.mainnet

  • Encourage BPs to vote on new endpoint fee

  • msig fio.contracts release

  • Perform the rollout verification and report findings

  • Post msig links to main FIO Telegram channel so member can track progress


Mainnet setup - fio


  • Merge release/m.m.x branch to master, create vm.m.m tag

  • Move pre-release to release (Release - FIO vx.x.x), creating the GitHub Release with new functionality, fixes, etc. documented.

  • Build the FIO repo (use -P option) and Generate .deb and .tgz build files using fio.package

  • Upload .deb and .tgz build files to;

  • FIO Releases page for this release

  • AWS > S3 > fioprotocol > Mainnet

  • Update the FIO.docker repo (package release links in dockerfile) and create pull request notifying Todd of the new release artifacts

  • BP mainnet node upgrade checklist is complete (BP spreadsheet, or create one in Jira)


Mainnet Release




Mainnet release - addaction and createfee msigs


  • msig to set addaction and createfee for new actions

  • Encourage BPs to vote on new endpoint fee


createfee '{"end_point":"transfer_tokens_fio_add","type":"1","suf_amount":"958695652"}'

addaction '{"action":"trnsloctoks","contract":"fio.token","actor":"eosio"}'


Mainnet release - Contract msigs


  • BP to create msigs for updated and new contracts

  • Review msigs

  • BP to post msigs to Mainnet


Mainnet release - Release validation


  • Confirm hashes of mainnet

  • Confirm versions of mainnet nodes (chain)

  • Confirm ABIs deployed correctly (using ./clio get abi)

  • Confirm createfee added fees with correct endpoint and type

  • Confirm addaction added correct actions with correct contracts


Mainnet release - - Manual QA validation


Perform manual validation for all actions and getters listed in the Master Release Plan.

Also work with developer to do any release validation testing noted in the Deployment and Rollout guides.





Post-deployment - Mainnet validation - fio chain



Post-deployment - Update FIO Hosted API Nodes


  • Upgrade Registration site API nodes (2 load balanced nodes)

  • Notify Todd to upgrade Analytics API node (single State History node)


Post-deployment - Update FIP status


Move FIP status to Final and include release links; update master README index


Post-deployment - Update Devhub



Post-deployment - Update fiosdk_typescript-examples


Add examples for new actions to fiosdk_typescript-examples repo

Not required

Post-deployment - Partner upgrades


  • Create upgrade blog post and send to Account Management team to manage upgrades

  • Work with Account Management to coordinate Mainnet rollout plan with the BP, wallet, and exchange community, watch over the execution and help to ensure rollout is completed in full.


SDK Production Release




Typescript SDK Release


Tracks the release of the latest SDK to production.

  • Code review all changes

  • System test SDK release tag version against latest production releases (master branches) of fio, fio.contracts, fio.devtools, fio.test (If updates to test are needed, confirm fixes are put into the fio.test release/vn.n.n release branch and the develop branch (i.e., merge fixes from release branch))

  • Merge develop to master and create production release tag from master

  • Typescript: Publish new SDK release on NPM (see: https://github.com/fioprotocol/fiosdk_typescript#publishing-to-node-package-manager-npm)

  • Work with Account Management to socialize the release to integration partners




Process Description --

Each item that is to be addressed in the checklist should have a story associate with it under the release epic in jira. also there should be a release section of the wiki which contains all of the artifacts generated for a given release, and under this wiki should also be contained all the details of the release planning and execution for future reference of the community.


Devnet testing

Background – In order for a release of the FIO protocol to be rolled out on test net and main net, the release manager must first assemble the set of commands that will upgrade the current main net version to become the new release. The commands may include adding actions to FIOs list of allowed contract actions, adding/modifying the fees associated with FIO actions, creating new FIO system accounts and contracts, and updating all of the required FIO contracts with the changes for the new release. The release manager must assemble a complete list of the required commands, and execute them on a private test network, then perform validations of the resulting release. The commands, and test results must be posted on the wiki for this release.

Objective – The objective of dev net testing is to assemble the list of commands required to upgrade FIO for this release, and to complete acceptance testing of a local private FIO network upgraded using these commands.

Tactics – on dev net, build the release version of the FIO Core code and the FIO contracts, copy these off to the side. Then build the dev net using the Main net versions of the contracts and core, and spin up the dev net. Perform all of the necessary clio commands to upgrade the contracts. once this is completed run a regression test to ensure all chain operations function as expected. if there are significant changes to the FIO Core code which result in special logic and timing regarding the core and contracts rollout (this is called a forking change), then special test plans must be made and executed in accordance with the needs of the releases unique needs. If no forking logic is being released then acceptance and QA tests and some performance tests will be performed and published onto the wiki

Deliverables – The release manager will post on the wiki the commands for this release, and they will also post on the wiki the test results for the tests performed.

Contract rollout commands – The release commands for each project included in the release should be a part of the rollout plan for each project included in the release, assemble the commands for the release into one list of commands, and fill any missing gaps by cooperating with the necessary leads if commands have not yet been provided. the following actions are commonly required --

Add action – add an action to the permitted list of actions in the FIO protocol

Add Fee – add a new fee for a new action in the FIO protocol.

Add new system account – When new contracts are added to FIO an owning account must be created.

Set system account authorizations – set permissions and authorizations on new system accounts

Set privileged.

update authorizations

Set Contract – set a new contract on the FIO protocol, or update an existing contract.

Set ABI – set a new ABI on the FIO protocol, or update an existing ABI.

See also


Contract testing – After contracts have been upgraded, acceptance testing must be completed, and findings must be published to the wiki.

Fork testing – If there are changes to the protocol which require backwards compatibility considerations then forking tests must be performed, these test require code changes to be made before the fork testing to ensure that the forking logic works equivalently in the dev net environment. Results and findings must be published to the wiki upon completion.

Performance testing – Some projects have dev net level performance test considerations, when a release includes the need for performance testing then tests must be run and findings published to the wiki for the release.

QA testing – QA regression tests should be completed on each release before dev net testing, but full regression on dev net only increases our confidence in a release. findings should be published to the wiki.



NOTE – other descriptions may be added if this is seen as helpful for the document

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