Wrapping Architecture Overview

Wrapping Architecture Overview

FIO is rolling out two wrapping features in the next release: FIO Token wrapping and FIO Domain wrapping. There is some overlap in the applications (on the FIO Chain and the fio.oracle middleware) but some differences (token wraps to the fio.erc20 contract on Ethereum, while domains wrap to the fio.erc721 contract on Polygon).

Wrapping applications/contracts

The wrapping architecture consists of 5 applications/contracts:

  1. FIO Chain contract (Casey)


2. ERC20 contract on the Ethereum chain (Adam / Bill)


3. ERC721 contract on the Polygon chain (Adam / Bill)


4. Oracle middleware


5. Wrapping Status Page (Admin UI)


Instructions for the Wrapping Devnet are here: https://fioprotocol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FO/pages/349569342

(Note that this is in development, so check with Eric to make sure it is working before testing it out.)


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