Worker Proposal Process and Payments
Worker Proposals and Payments are tracked using project.
Worker Proposals
Worker Proposals are tracked in an issue type Worker Proposal. You can see all Submitted, Evaluating and Active Worker Proposals in Worker Proposal Board.
Name of your Worker Proposal.
Short name
Short name for the Worker Proposal, which will be used on budget tracking. Use 2-3 words, e.g. Promote FIO, Wrapping, Explorers.
High level descriptions of tasks that will be performed. Does not need to contained everything you will be doing. The Worker Proposal Lead will be held accountable to the KPIs, not the description.
Lists what will be measured to determine if project if project is successful. Should contain things that are measurable and contained targets planned to be achieved.
Budget Type
Specify how often this budget will be paid out:
This is for information purposes and will be used by the Foundation for future forecasting only.
Total Budget USD
Total amount of budget to be spent in stablecoins. If this Worker Proposal is for multiple months, include the total amount in this field. For example: if your propose to spend $1,000 for 3 months, put $3,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.
Total Budget USD of Liquid FIO
Total amount of budget in USD to be spent in Liquid FIO. Specific amount of FIO will depend on rate of exchange at time of payment. For example: if your propose to spend $1,000 of FIO for 3 months, put $3,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.
Total Budget USD of Locked FIO
Total amount of budget in USD to be spent in Locked FIO. Specific amount of FIO will depend on rate of exchange at time of payment. For example: if your propose to spend $1,000 of FIO for 3 months, put $3,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.
Total Budget FIO of Liquid FIO
Total amount of budget in FIO to be spent in Liquid FIO. For example: if your propose to spend 100,000 of FIO tokens for 3 months, put 300,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.
Total Budget FIO of Locked FIO
Total amount of budget in FIO to be spent in Locked FIO. For example: if your propose to spend 100,000 of FIO tokens for 3 months, put 300,000 in this field and have the WP be valid for 3 months.
Valid from
Specify starting date for when this Worker Proposal will be effective, meaning work will start.
Valid till
Specify last date for when this Worker Proposal will be effective, meaning work will end. There will be 14 day grace period for payments to be submitted after this date.
Budget description
Description of how will budget be spent. May include links to external spreadsheets.
Strategic Priorities
List of Strategic Objectives this Worker Proposal aims to satisfy.
Intellectual property ownership
Defines who will own intellectual property produced by this Worker Proposal.
Terms and Conditions
Indicates approval of DAO Worker Proposal Terms and Conditions .
When first submitted Worker Proposal is in Draft. Keep it in this state until you have provided all required information and are ready to submit it to the Steering Committee See Worker Proposal | What it contains? for more on what information is needed.
This state indicates that you have submitted your Worker Proposal and it is awaiting Steering Committee review.