To participate in winning @excalibur domain, you had to be a previous domain owner.
Campaign was not successful and did not contribute to additional registrations. Only contributed to Handle registrations.
Possible issue was messaging, or cost of participation.
Possible messaging issue: What is a domain vs a handle? What does it mean to own a domain? (Some users were claiming ownership of the @hodl domain for example). Would messaging be resolved if instead of saying participants must own a domain, we instead say participants must purchase a domain.
Possible cost issue: Users do not want to purchase a domain ($40) to win the chance of another domain. Would this be improved with a domain of less characters? What is an attractive domain to users?
Can re-run campaign with adjusted messaging to rule out messaging issue. Help to see if the issue is cost of participation.
Post Call Thoughts and Comments:
xxxOpera - signing capabilities - dev site to play around. + Set up call