Domain Purchase and Wrapping Combined

Table of Contents


Technical Link

Refer to the original wrapping page for this as needed.

General Requirements






Purchase View

This would apply to all domain purchased views.

  • Links

    • Wrap Domain

      • On click

        • Display Wrap Domain View


Wrap FIO Domain

  • Display

    • Domain name for Wrapping

    • Wrapping Network

    • Links

      • Paste Public Address

        • On click

          • Paste the Public Address from Users Clipboard

      • Connect Wallet

        • On click

          • Display Wallet Modal with the option to connect to the users wallet

      • Wrap FIO Domain

        • On click

          • Collect PIN

          • Execute /wrap_fio_domain

          • On processing

            • Display Transaction Processing View

          • On success

            • Display FIO Request Confirmation Page

    • Transaction cost

  • Collect

    • FIO Public Address for Wrapping

      • Via Clipboard Paste

      • Via Wallet Connection

  • Validate

    • Wrap Amount

      • Validate onfocusout

        • On validation error

          • Display error message:

            • Please enter valid amount

      • Validation rules

        • Format

          • Numeric

          • Max 9 decimals

    • Fee transaction count


Wallet Connection

  • Links

    • MetaMask Wallet Connection

      • On click

        • Connect to the users browser based MetaMask Wallet

    • Close

      • On Click

        • Closes wallet connection modal


Public Address Displayed

  • Wallet Connected

    • Display Connected MetaMask Wallet

    • Links

      • Cancel

        • On Click

          • Cancels the wallet connection

  • Pasted Public Address

    • Display Public Address from Clipboard

    • Links

      • Cancel

        • On Click

          • Clears the pasted public address


Confirm Wrapping

  • Collect

    • PIN code

  • Display Transaction Processing Page

  • Wrap using /wrap_fio_domain

  • Display Wrapping Confirmation Page


FIO Domain Wrapped - With Fees

  • Display

    • Wrapping Transaction Information

      • Wrap Chain - chain_code

      • Public Address - public_address

      • Domain Wrapped - fio_domain

      • Fee cost and corresponding USDC

        • max_oracle_fee - oracle_fee_collected

        • max_fee - fee_collected

      • FIO ID - tpid

    • Links

      • Close and X

        • On click

          • Display Domain Management View


Error State - Low FIO Balance

In the scenario where the user has an associated address and a balance which is to low display the following:

  • Additional Display

    • Display low FIO balance banner