Add new actions
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"listdomain","contract":"fio.escrow","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"cxlistdomain","contract":"fio.escrow","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"buydomain","contract":"fio.escrow","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"setmrkplcfg","contract":"fio.escrow","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"cxburned","contract":"fio.escrow","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"xferescrow","contract":"fio.address","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
./ push action eosio addaction '{"action":"retire","contract":"fio.token","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio
Create the new fees
./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"list_domain","type":"0","suf_amount":"321768535"}' -p fio.fee
./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"cancel_list_domain","type":"0","suf_amount":"162975491"}' -p fio.fee
./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"buy_domain","type":"0","suf_amount":"162975491"}' -p fio.fee
./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"set_marketplace_config","type":"0","suf_amount":"162975491"}' -p fio.fee
./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"remove_nft","type":"1","suf_amount":"147180000"}' -p fio.fee
./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"remove_all_nfts","type":"1","suf_amount":"289124578"}' -p fio.fee
Create account and set permissions (Part 1)
(Part 1 must be done before Part 2 msigs can be created)
(OLD!) These are what we used in our devnet and are not correct for Testnet/Mainnet.
Create the new account
./ create account eosio fio.escrow FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS -p eosio@active
Set the account permissions
./ set account permission fio.escrow active '{"threshold": 1,"keys": [{"key": "FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS","weight": 1}],"accounts": [{"permission":{"actor":"fio.escrow","permission":"eosio.code"},"weight":1}]}}' 4000000000 owner -p fio.escrow@owner
(NEW!!) This is how bohdan did it:
First, create a file called “payload.json” with the following permissions:
{ "creator": "eosio", "name": "fio.escrow", "owner": { "threshold": 1, "keys": [], "accounts": [{ "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": "active"}, "weight": 1 }], "waits": [] }, "active": { "threshold": 1, "keys": [], "accounts": [{ "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": "active"}, "weight": 1 }, { "permission": {"actor": "fio.escrow", "permission": "eosio.code"}, "weight": 1 }], "waits": [] } }
Next create a new account with those permissions.
./ push action -j -s -d eosio newaccount newaccount_payload.json -p eosio@active
Create account to be privileged and set RAM limits. (Part 2)
Set the account to be privileged.
./ eosio setpriv '["fio.escrow",1]' -p eosio@active
Remove RAM limits on the new account, this may be called by eosio, and fio.system only!
./ push action eosio setnolimits '{"account":"fio.escrow"}' --permission eosio@active
Deploy system contract
./ set contract eosio /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.system/ -p eosio
Set the contract on the new account
./ set contract fio.escrow /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.escrow/ -p fio.escrow
Set all other contracts
./ set contract fio.address /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.address/ -p fio.address
./ set contract fio.reqobt /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.request.obt/ -p fio.reqobt
./ set contract fio.token /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.token/ -p fio.token
./ set contract fio.treasury /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.treasury/ -p fio.treasury
./ set contract fio.staking /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.staking/ -p fio.staking
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