Bravo release update
After a lot of internal discussions with @Ed Rotthoff and bringing Stan (cc32d9) into the discussion, @Casey Gardiner is going to code up a solution without the vector storage. Though the lookup would be much faster for most users with few FIO Requests, vectors storage does not scale well in eosio so it could hit problems with users with large numbers of Requests. You do not want to code to the 2% of users, but in this case we think it makes sense to go a more eosio standard route and use a single table and rely on paging as it grows.
These updates could impact timing of the Bravo contract release. The goal was to get it out by the first week of December, but that is looking aggressive given the changes we are making, the size of this release, and the amount of testing we need to do with table migrations. We have had 12/21 as the target on the Roadmap and will keep it at that for now, but stay tuned.