
Table of Contents







Main Settings

Primary Account

Alternative Account


  • Display

    • Email Address

    • Links

      • Update Email

        • On click

          • Display Update Email Page

      • Update Email Notifications

        • On click

          • Store new settings for customer and display confirmation banner

      • Change Password

        • On click

          • Display Change Password Page

      • Change PIN

        • On click

          • Display Change PIN Page

      • New Device Approval

        • Enabled

          • On click

            • Display Enable New Device Approval Page

        • Disabled

          • On click

            • Display Disable New Device Approval Page

      • Password Recovery status

        • Set-up Password Recovery - show when not set-up

        • Resend Recovery Email - show when set-up

      • Account Management

        • Delete My Account

          • On click show Delete Account Confirmation Page

Update Email

Confirm Email After Change

  • Display

    • New email

    • Links

      • Revert to Original

        • On click

          • Before confirming, new email address is removed as pending change

          • After confirming, show generic error

  • Developer note

    • This page is always displayed and cannot be closed, ever after logout and log back in unless user confirms email or clicks Revert to Original

Change Password

  • Display

    • Links

      • Save

        • On click

          • Change password

          • Display Password Change Confirmation Page

  • Collect

    • Email address

  • Validate

    • New Password

      • Validate onfocusout

        • On validation error

          • Turn border red

          • Display error message:

            • Invalid Password

    • Old Password

      • Validate on click

        • On validation error

          • Turn border red

          • Display error message:

            • Invalid Password

Password Change Confirmation

  • Display

    • Links

      • Close or X

        • On click

          • Display Setting Main Page

Change PIN

  • Display

    • Links

      • Next

        • On click

          • Collect password

      • Confirm

        • On click

          • Change PIN and display PIN Change Confirmation Page

  • Collect

    • New PIN

  • Password

    • Validate on click

      • On validation error

        • Turn border red

        • Display error message:

          • Invalid Password

Change PIN Confirmation

  • Display

    • Links

      • Close or X

        • On click

          • Display Setting Main Page

Enable New Device Approval

  • Display

    • Generated access code

    • Links

      • Copy

        • On click

          • Copy access code

      • Close or X

        • On click

          • Close

Disable New Device Approval

  • Display

    • Links

      • Disable New Device Approval

        • On click

          • Collect PIN

          • Disable New Device Approval

          • Display New Device Approval Disabled Confirmation Page

      • Cancel

        • On click

          • Display Settings Main Page

New Device Approval Disabled Confirmation

  • Display

    • Links

      • Close

        • On click

          • Display Settings Main Page

Set-up Password Recovery

Follow Account Create Spec for Secret Questions


Disable Password Recovery

  • Display

    • Links

      • Disable Password Recovery

        • On click

          • Collect PIN

          • Disable Password Recovery

          • Display Password Recovery Disabled Confirmation Page

      • Cancel

        • On click

          • Display Settings Main Page

Password Recovery Disabled Confirmation

  • Display

    • Links

      • Close

        • On click

          • Display Settings Main Page

Delete Account Confirmation

Initial pop-up

Dedicated Password pop-up


Confirmation pop-up

  • UX:

  • Display

    • Links

      • wallet

      • Cancel

        • On click

          • Close pop-up

      • Yes, Delete My Account

        • On click

          • Collect Password using dedicated pop-up page

          • Delete user from database

            • Remove user from user table in Dashboard

            • Remove user from EDGE servers

            • Replace the user reference in purchase transactions to a “dummy user” called DELETEDUSER. This will prevent transaction data, but not the user data.

          • Redirect user to Home Page and display Confirmation pop-up