
I recommend creating a non-backward compatible fiosdk_typescript V2.0 that includes:


We have received feedback from integrators and have experienced development and deployment issues with the current SDK architecture. These include:

API signed transactions

One release concern is the need to continually update the chain plugin when adding new transaction endpoints. It was suggested that it might be possible to have a "redirect" that sends all signed transactions to a generic function that unpacks the parameters and forwards it to the appropriate push_transaction contract action.

See the following for a discussion of using individual API endpoints versus a single endpoint: Individual API endpoints versus single endpoint

API getters

Currently it is necessary to update the chain code every time a new getter API endpoint is added. It is an open discussion as to whether it would be possible to refactor and simplify the getter code to enable adding new getter API endpoints without having to update the chain code.

Proposed Changes

Push Transaction

Mock Server

I do not think any integrator is using this mock server option and it is a bit confusing. The only reason we have not removed it sooner is that it is a breaking change.

Fork eosjs

Several options were discussed with Jimmy regarding the different options for minimizing the pain of keeping up with eosjs and eosjs-ecc changes. We also reviewed other forks of eosjs. The following are the options:

Based on the discussion we recommend the fork option.


These fixes will require wallets to migrate their code to use the new structure. See the following Dev Guide to upgrade for more details:
