Questions | Answers |
Is there a minimum amount of FIO for wrapping or unwrapping? |
Is there a maximum? |
BPs: Is there an easy way to go from FIO to Eth? |
Why do we increase RAM on Oracle-specific actions (since they are BPs with unlimited RAM)? |
What should we set wrap RAM to? |
Approach #1: Fee claim action:
We create a call similar to that of bpclaim
, where the balance is pooled and distributed to each oracle. This will require an oracle to call this action or risk losing their distributed fees.
What happens if a BP does not claim within 24 hours?
Approach #2: Fees distributed during actions (Preferred)
Each action involving fees would need to iterate through the registered oracle's table and send their share of the oracle fee directly to them.
Decision: Discussed with Pawel and decided we would use approach #2
keeps track of all wrapping transactions and logs the actor performing the request. This will be the same table used in both token and domain wrapping transactions.
TBD: ( type
could be added in new iterations to allow for quick and simple index lookups based on status. )
tracks registered oracles used during the validation of unwrapping of NFT/tokens. This table also stores fee information used during the wrapping process.
The type oraclefees is defined as:
The oracle_votes
table is used during unwrapping operations. The registered oracles will call unwraptokens
and either emplace a new record or modify the record if the oracle is not the first registered oracle to vote on the obt_it. Once an oracle calls this action and 100% consensus is reached, the unwrapping will be approved and funds will be transferred.