
This FIP defines proposed new functionality of the FIO Protocol, which would allow FIO Domains to be mapped to DNS records. See more information in FIP-44.

FIO Domain Resolution

Per FIP-44, the FIO Domain owner could attach one or many [RFC-1035](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1035#section-3.2.1) format Resource Records (RR), which would be stored in FIO Chain State and could be retrieved using a dedicated getter returning a specific record type or all records. The FIO Chain getters will not perform recursive DNS look-ups. Instead the Foundation would build an off-chain resolver which would ingest the raw DNS Records from FIO Chain. It would support a recursive DNS name look-up, querying external DNS zone servers if required and returning either an IP Address or an error.

Integration Requirements

Initial integration requirements, for any integrator wanting to support DNS resolution of a FIO Domain would be very simple:

  1. Identify a FIO domain, by identyfying .fio TLD, e.g. sub.alice.fio

  2. Send the FIO Domain to a simple REST API

  3. Receive an IP or error.

  4. Fetch content as usual.