Objective (DRAFT)

To maintain the existing implementation and construct new features to support adoption and use of the FIO dashboard for end users as well as integration partners.




Use Cases

End User Segments (P2P)

Integration Partners (B2B)

Integration Partners (B2P)



In my view the worker proposal for the dashboard consists of the following examples:

  1. Current

    1. Strategic

      1. Roadmap Feature Specs

      2. Resource Planning

      3. Development Feature Scope

      4. Marketing Planning

      5. Educational Planning

      6. Metric Planning

    2. Tactical Implementation

      1. UX

        1. Current Roadmap

        2. QA

        3. Bug Fixes

      2. Development

        1. Current Roadmap

        2. QA

        3. Bug Fixes

      3. Marketing

      4. Educational

      5. Metrics

  2. Future

    1. Strategic

      1. Product Refinement Plan (based on metrics)

      2. Future Feature Roadmap Ideation and Creation

      3. Resource Planning

      4. Follow-on Marketing

      5. Continual Metric Review

    2. Tactical Implementation

      1. Existing UX Tweaks

      2. New UX

      3. New Development

      4. New Marketing Campaign

      5. Educational based on new features

  3. Ongoing

    1. Steering Committee Working Sessions and Reporting

It requires the following resources regardless of where it lives structurally:

  1. Product Owner

  2. Product Management Resource

  3. SME

  4. UX Resource (to ensure tactical efforts do not bottleneck development)

  5. Development Resource

  6. Marketing Resource

  7. Educational Resource

  8. Steering Committee (from a directional input perspective)

  9. Potentially: Business Relationship Arm


  1. What would be the differences in the two - Standalone vs. Underneath?

    1. Is it ownership or reporting structure for example?

  2. How will resources work across efforts?

  3. What are the guardrails for decision making?

  4. How does this work on multiple efforts? Like for example, I want to spend time on exploring new tech and opportunities


  1. The most important element

  2. What do you consider success and failure of the worker proposal (details, a statement, a stake in the ground) - Quarterly - Define failure and raging success - Not sufficient to just be a bucket ..