Author: Isaiah Williams (

Contributors: EOS BlockSmith (

Uploaded: 7/12/21

Status: Draft

The FIO Domain Marketplace is where users will be able to interact with the FIO Escrow Smart contract to buy and sell FIO domains. Users need to be able to have access to buy, list and cancel actions in the smart contract.

Website link:

Note: website may be down at times for development purposes


To view the rest of the pages on the FIO Domain Marketplace, you must sign-in at the top right using an anchor wallet.

After entering the amount of FIO that you want to sell the domain for, the amount of FIO for the listing fee and marketplace commission will automatically be calculated

Note: for this example, the listing fee is a flat rate of 15 FIO and commission is set at 15%, these do not reflect the actual numbers that will be used in production

Future Ideas