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This document captures random notes. This might include troubleshooting, workarounds, or other information that not captured anywhere else.

Worker Proposals

Worker Proposals - Agile board - FIO Issue Tracking (

Payment Requests

[DAO-1665] [Core Chain] LeetSoft Solutions, LLC - Apr 2023 Payment (USDC)

[DAO-1666] [Core Chain] LeetSoft Solutions, LLC - Apr 2023 Payment (Liquid FIO)

FIO-29 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-70 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-125 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-207 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-121 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-249: [Core Infrastructure] August 2023 - LeetSoft Solutions, LLC

FIO-313 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-376 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-274 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-431 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-471 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-472 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-505 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-539 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-586 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-635 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-699 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-629: Core Infrastructure

FIO-740 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-789 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-849 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-778 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-937 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-983 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-1034 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-953 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-1074 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO mSig Acct Payment Requests

FIO-482 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO-587 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FIO Explorers/Monitors

FIO TestNet Network Monitor

FIO MainNet Network Monitor (

FIO Tools (

EOS Tools and Info - Aloha EOS

FIO MainNet Health

FIO MainNet Block Explorer and Wallet

FIO TestNet Block Explorer and Wallet

FIO Tools

Several tools have been built and are still in use by the FIO Protocol, i.e., cryptonym, devnet, and fiotop.

Blockpane Repo (cryptonym, fiowatch, fiotop)


See the following repos for more info;

Cryptonym Notes:

Default config

  • key: FIO6G9pXXM92Gy5eMwNquGULoCj3ZStwPLPdEb9mVXyEHqWN7HSuA

  • max_fee: 23.926127683

  • actor: o2ouxipw2rt4

  • tpid: tpid@blockpane

mSig Info

Eric Butz, [7/25/2023 10:40 AM]
I used Cryptolion's MSIG tool and it was fairly straightforward. The main complexity is with creating contract updates.

I can see if I have some examples on my local machine using these scripts.

Eric Butz, [7/25/2023 10:48 AM]
Some helpful notes for getting this working:

To get it to connect to the local wallet I had to run:

pkill fio-wallet
./fio-wallet --http-server-address= &

NOTE! make sure there is a carriage return after the last action in actions_list

Eric Butz, [7/25/2023 10:48 AM]
Some examples that might go into 1_actions_list:

./ push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"wrap_fio_tokens","type":"0","suf_amount":"2000000000"}' -p fio.fee@active

./ push action regoracle '{"oracle_actor":"gws1hlwlqhq1","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active

./ push action fio.address regaddress '{"fio_address": "msig1@fiotestnet", "owner_fio_public_key": "FIO7LHcsCJjhywzAvELwdpZnynbELiua8SFjaXx4hu7Fuy3r8P9FC", "max_fee": 40000000000, "actor": "1sjb4apbznnx", "tpid": ""}' -p 1sjb4apbznnx@active

./ push action regoracle '{"oracle_actor":"mak1ed5b4k1v","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action regoracle '{"oracle_actor":"jnmwi5vu3hle","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active
./ push action regoracle '{"oracle_actor":"hkzfdcxe11us","actor":"eosio"}' -p eosio@active

./ push action eosio unregprod '{"fio_address":"zenblocks@fiotestnet","actor":"eosio","max_fee":5000000000}' -p eosio@active

To create a new account

Eric Butz, [3/3/2022 3:02 PM]
@eluzgin the clio code for creating the new account was incorrect in the file I gave you. Bohdan gave me the correct command and created the newsys.b msig. For future reference, this is correct way to add a new account via msig.

First create the file newaccount_payload.json 

   "creator": "eosio",
   "name": "fio.escrow",
   "owner": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "keys": [],
      "accounts": [{
         "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": "active"},
         "weight": 1
      "waits": []
   "active": {
      "threshold": 1,
      "keys": [],
      "accounts": [{
         "permission": {"actor": "eosio", "permission": "active"},
         "weight": 1
         "permission": {"actor": "fio.escrow", "permission": "eosio.code"},
         "weight": 1
      "waits": []

Eric Butz, [3/3/2022 3:02 PM]
Then use the following clio:

./ push action -j -s -d eosio newaccount newaccount_payload.json -p eosio@active

Telegram discussion:

you can always check your msigs with cleos:

./ multisig review ...

or check tables using the CryptoLions table query tool

Cleos mSig commands;

/home/ubuntu/fio/3.5.x-dev/bin/clio -u multisig review nyvrxkxhiyql token.2n.c1

/home/ubuntu/fio/3.5.x-dev/bin/clio -u multisig approve nyvrxkxhiyql token.2n.c1 '{"actor":"nyvrxkxhiyql","permission":"active"}' 241873769

/home/ubuntu/fio/3.5.x-dev/bin/clio -u multisig cancel nyvrxkxhiyql fiosys.2n.c1 241873769 nyvrxkxhiyql

/home/ubuntu/fio/3.5.x-dev/bin/clio -u get table -l -1 eosio.msig nyvrxkxhiyql approvals2

/home/ubuntu/fio/3.5.x-dev/bin/clio -u get table -l -1 eosio.msig nyvrxkxhiyql approvals2 | grep proposal_name

/home/ubuntu/fio/3.5.x-dev/bin/clio -u get table -l -1 eosio.msig nyvrxkxhiyql approvals2 | grep proposal_name | grep c1 | wc -l

Fees: Type 0 versus Type 1?
To verify actions; must hit api node that has history turned on

To verify fees; use Postman, create GET action, endpoint:, with json body of
{     "end_point": "update_encrypt_key"


Some fees require a fio_address, i.e. jasonbourne@fioprotocol

BP Tips

FIO | Sw/eden APT (

FIO App Notes



# Cmd line arg Usage
#go run cmd/bundles/main.go -d "postgres://" -k  "5JrWpJtuPyeXuFzhsAWYSyiT2gCZMR1d8ZdMPFhMkrkYE5NTvn7" -u "" -v

# ENV parameter usage
export DB="postgres://"
export NODEOS_API_URL=""
export WIF="5JrWpJtuPyeXuFzhsAWYSyiT2gCZMR1d8ZdMPFhMkrkYE5NTvn7"
go run cmd/bundles/main.go -v

Building the DevNet tool

Clone the dapixio DevNet repo located at dapixio/fio-devnet: devnet remote node management tool (

As this is a private repo, you will need to be granted access as well as have either a GitHub Personal Access Token or other means of ‘cloning’ the repo. If using an access token, the clone url is as follows:

git clone https://<Personal Access Token>

Refer to git - Clone A Private Repository (Github) - Stack Overflow for guidance.

Once the repo is cloned, cd to the fio-devnet/cmd/devnet and execute the cmd, 'go build'. This will build the devnet executable.

These steps were performed on a machine with all the necessary dependencies, i.e. go, c/c++ compiler.

Install/Configure/Run pgAdmin4 against RDS

See for installation instructions

Access to the RDS is via a bridge, i.e. the Bastion instances are the bridge for access to the registration databases. See for overview.

  1. Contact DevOps group and request access to the RDS instances

    1. Provide specific instance names

    2. For registration databases, access is via Bastion instances mentioned above. In my case I provided SSH public key to DevOps, which was inserted directly on Bastion instance. Provide key via private channel.

      1. Private/Public key may be generated via ssh-keygen, MobaKeyGen, puttygen and is found in ~/.ssh/ Note that during keygen no password is needed.

  2. Install PgAdmin on local linux desktop

  3. Configure as follows;

    1. Create a new connection; right-click “Servers” and click Register > Server. If a server group has not been created, do that first, then create a Server underneath that group.

      1. On General tab, set the name of the db server

      2. On Connection tab, set Host, Port (default: 5432), Maintenance database (the actual db), and username

      3. On SSH Tunnel tab,

        1. Oregon Tunnel host:

        2. Oregon Username: ec2-user

        3. N.Virginia Tunnel host:

        4. N.Virginia Username: ec2-user

    2. Now just configure a connection in PgAdmin with the database credentials, and in the SSH Tunnel tab, pass the bastion instance information according to the region you want to connect to the database.

Its also possible to use postgresql-client software, e.g. psql. to connect to the db. To do one must use ssh or putty to create a tunnel (much like is done above). See Connect to a PostgreSQL Server via SSH Tunnel - DEV Community for help in doing so.

  1. Use appropriate pass-through (Bastion) servers with user ec2-user in ssh command

    1. Us-West-2:,

    2. US-East-1:,

  2. ssh -L -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/

    1. Replace ‘ssh’ above with ‘ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -f -N’ to put into background

    2. Repl Prod east: ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -f -N -L -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/

    3. Repl Prod west: ssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -f -N -L -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/

  3. Test using a command like; psql --port=5433 --host=localhost --user registration -c "SELECT * FROM public.wallet"


// Point to specific commit (put in require)
// go get
// ==> v1.0.6-0.20230331152418-943a6a787d29

// Point to latest (implied) in branch
// go get
// ==> v1.1.0-rc1

// Point to branch with slashes (see bugs 32955, 38861)
// GOPROXY=direct go get

// Point to tag
// go get
// ==> v1.1.0-rc1

// Replace remote dependency with local one
//replace => /home/ubuntu/repos/fioprotocol/fio-go

To clean up dependencies, run

go mod tidy

Tips & Tricks


Tagging workflow

  1. Release candidate: tag with lightweight tag (do not include -a)

git tag v2.9.0
git push origin --tags
  1. Release:

    1. Remove tag (both remote and local)

    2. Tag with annotated tag (include -a and -m <msg>)

git push origin :refs/tags/v2.9.0-rc1
git tag --delete v2.9.0-rc1
git tag -fa v2.9.0 -m "Version 2.9.0"
git push origin --tags
  1. To verify tag

    1. git rev-parse of a tag will show a commit just for the tag. Use git show <commit> to view commit info

git rev-parse --verify HEAD
git rev-parse v2.9.0
git rev-parse v2.9.0^{commit}

Account Information

To get account info run

./clio -u get account fio.treasury
./ get account fio.treasury

To compare account info between testnet and localnet, run

./clio -u get account fio.treasury
./ get account fio.treasury


to find files and replace strings

find . -type f \( -exec grep -l "\/home\/ubuntu\/fio\/upgrade" {} \; -false -o -exec sed -i 's/\/home\/ubuntu\/fio\/upgrade/\/home\/ubuntu\/tmp\/fio\/apts/g' {} \; \)
find . -type f \( -exec grep -l "fio\/upgrade" {} \; -false -o -exec sed -i 's/\/home\/ubuntu\/fio\/upgrade/\/home\/ubuntu\/tmp\/fio\/apts/g' {} \; \)```


Database Dirty Flag

Relevant Issues

  1. V1 History config:


    2. warning Without the history-index-state-db-size-mb and history-state-db-size-mb settings nodes may stop with the warning: Database has reached an unsafe level of usage, shutting down to avoid corrupting the database. Please increase the value set for chain-state-db-size-mb and restart the process!

  2. Dirty Flag Issue:

    1. Ye olde folder deletion problem where you have to manually delete some folders when doing a replay

      1. BD-1953 - Getting issue details... STATUS

      2. To solve this you have to delete the history and history-state folders if you are not running v1 histor

    2. [Ross/EOSphere} Restart with a snapshot from here and check the nodeos usage example at the bottom. Also delete the two history folders in the nodeos binary directory you started from.

    3. BD-1953 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Thanks Ross; this particular setup has /var/lib/fio/ with data and history folders. It has no snapshots nor blocks directories in the data folder. There were two history* folders.

Taking what you said and doing what I could, I deleted the contents of the two history folders (backed up elsewhere). and restarted.

All is good with that node now! Repeated on my third node and wallah - Great. Thank you so much.


FIO Dashboard

Dev Hub/Dev Hub Sitebuilder: FIO Protocol Developer Hub / FIO ReadMe / FIO 1.9 Docs

Zoom Recordings

Passcode: @HQdfv5=

Data Integration

Google Sheets to Json:

Telegram: Telegram Group/Channel Data Extraction (User’s information, chats, and specific messages), and Data Processing | by Dayal Chand Aichara | Game of Data | Medium

FIO macOS build and deploy notes

AWS MacOS Instance: MacOSX Sonoma (14.x)

Instance Type: mac1
Dedicated Host: mac1.metal

Xcode: 11.7

Download and install using; sebsto/xcodeinstall, accept license using sudo xcodebuild -license accept

Downloads - Apple Developer

FIO Repo: fioprotocol/fio, release 3.5.x-dev (release/3.5.x-dev)

other links;

3 ways to install Xcode on macOS [2023] - Don't Panic

openssl 1.1.1

The MacPorts Project -- Download & Installation

Install openssl11 on macOS with MacPorts

Is there a command to install a dmg - Ask Different

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