Resource | USDC | $ in FIO | Total |
Team Lead | $4,500 | $4,500 | $9,000 |
Partner Success Manager 1 | $4,000 | $2,000 | $6,000 |
Integration Testing |
| $200 | $200 |
Total | $8,500 | $6,700 | $15,200 |
Category |
FIO Crypto Handles | Increase the number of FIO Crypto Handle registrations with existing partners
Domains | Increase the FIO Domain registrations + renewals with existing partners
Bugs | Average Partner Bug Report to Fix
Integration by Deadline | Average days completed integrations are past MOU deadline
Partner Generated Revenue | Revenue to Foundation generated by partners (5% of chain fees)
KPI Dashboard:
Quarterly Comparison:
KPIs | Previous Quarter (Jun, Jul, Aug) | Current Quarter (Sep, Oct, Nov) |
FIO Crypto Handles | Total: 60,769 Average: 20,256 | Total: 75,909 Average: 25,303 |
Domains | Total: 150 Average: 50 | Total: 85 Average: 28 |
Bugs | Average: 19 | Average: 22 |
Deadline | Average: 29 | Average: 32 |
Revenue | Total: $12,766.46 Average: $4,255.49 | Total: $10,272.81 Average: 3,424.27 |
Bugs get resolved fairly quickly.
Pending bugs are:
Ascendex (all features)
Opera (domains)
Dashboard (FIO Crypto Handle registrations on public domains)
Current quarter is fairly close to target.
Out of active partners:
62% are on track
38% are delayed.
FIO Crypto Handles:
Previous month I debated making the KPI target 30k monthly registrations, but have settled for 40k.
Reason: There is a growing upward trend in monthly FIO Crypto Handle registrations (25% increase from previous quarter totals to current quarter totals). Wouldn't be unreasonable to expect to hit target next quarter with growing list of partners and a little bit of focused effort.
Based off of desire to hit 10k monthly revenue with the following goals:
40k Handle registrations
40k Mapping transactions
1000 domain registrations
1000 domain renewals
Not part of this review, but the Dec monthly registration numbers are 34,394, significant increase to the month of Nov, which makes the 40k monthly target well within reach.
Adjusted numbers for partner TPID transactions ONLY.
Previously had taken total registrations and subtracted foundation and dashboard activity.
Thinking was, some partners have not set up their TPID, and wanted to account for those activities.
Can no longer do above due to new affiliate program
Found that partner domain activity is significantly worse than previously reported.
Marketing to increase partner domain awareness and activity?
Currently do not have a partner marketing domain strategy
FIO tokens cannot be used as incentive for the purchasing of domain due to US legal concerns regarding money transfer.
Previously explored ideas:
Offer discount on domain purchases as a part of marketing campaign. When users go to buy domain, they see domain is xx% off price.
Cant do through dashboard as the fees are dictated by the chain
Rebate program. Offer users who purchase a domain a certain number of FIO tokens after the fact to “discount” the domain during the promotional period.
Legal concerns regarding money transfer.
Offer users who purchase a domain the chance to win a certain number of FIO Tokens
Legal concerns regarding money transfer
Free FIO Crypto Handles as incentives?
Partners (ex: Learnoverse) have argued that the free Handles are not a satisfactory incentive for a marketing campaign due to free handles being available everywhere. No additional demand is driven to purchase domain/create conversions.
Potential ideas:
Turn off all free FIO Crypto Handles, and only “turn on” during partner promotional periods. This can increase the demand as they are not available on all platforms at all times. Risk is decrease # of monthly registrations
Offer free registrations on domains users have purchased. i.e. user purchases @amazing domain. They are gifted 2 free handles to register on the @amazing domain.
Premium domains as incentive?
Users purchase domains for a chance to win free premium domain
Works better when domains are valued at different prices. i.e short domains worth more than long domains.
General marketing messaging concerns
User thought: Why do I need to purchase a domain if I can just get a handle for free that has all the functionality?
FIO needs to nail down messaging so that partners can educate their communities on the value.
Improve Dashboard UX for Conversions:
Learnoverse, Orbis86, and Pillar have noted usability concerns with dashboard.
Have discussed with BD, Dashboard and PS teams on doing usability study where the 3 teams will help support the effort.
GP from Dashboard team has shown a draft UX update
Number of Domain Integrated Partners:
End of August 2022:
DoubleAce Wallet
Total: 7
End of November 2022:
DoubleAce Wallet
Infinity Wallet
Total: 15
Upcoming Domain Partners for following Quarter:
XRP Toolkit
Total: 9 upcoming partners for a total of 24
Decrease in average revenue from previous Quarter
Why? Anomalous month of June.
High revenue for June 2022 due to mapping transactions + FIO Crypto Handle registrations
28,000 Handles + 100,000 mapping transactions = $7,000 revenue
Current quarter has steady increase in revenue month over month
$2,532.13 → $3690.18 →$ 4050.50
Not in this review but the month of Dec has revenue of $5,577.46.
Mapping transactions under valued:
FCH Reg | FCH Bundle | Mapping | Domain Reg | Domain renewal | ||
Fees from 7/1/2022 | $1.51 | $1.74 | $0.02 | $30.14 | $30.14 | |
June 2022 numbers: | 28,000 | 0 | 100,000 | 0 | 0 | $7,114.00 |
Hypothetical Scenario where every FIO Crypto Handle registered (40k) maps 3 addresses:
FCH Reg | Mapping | ||
Fees | $2.00 | $0.03 | |
Estimate | 40,000 | 120,000 | $10,000.00 |
How to improve numbers?:
Educational content surrounding mapping. Collab with partners to post educational content.
Require any promotional campaigns to have users map 3 addresses. This will also teach users how to utilize their handles. They cant get paid via crypto unless they have mappings.
Very low cost to user, and users will immediately see utility upon doing the action.
Target partners with high total registrations and low mapping transactions.
i.e. Guarda
Total FIO Crypto Handle registrations: 53,550
Total mapping transactions: 9,408
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