This document captures random notes. This might include troubleshooting, workarounds, or other information that not captured anywhere else.
Building the DevNet tool
Clone the dapixio DevNet repo located at dapixio/fio-devnet: devnet remote node management tool (
As this is a private repo, you will need to be granted access as well as have either a GitHub Personal Access Token or other means of ‘cloning’ the repo. If using an access token, the clone url is as follows:
git clone https://<Personal Access Token>
Refer to git - Clone A Private Repository (Github) - Stack Overflow for guidance.
Once the repo is cloned, cd to the fio-devnet/cmd/devnet and execute the cmd, 'go build'. This will build the devnet executable.
These steps were performed on a machine with all the necessary dependencies, i.e. go, c/c++ compiler.
Other Tools
Several tools have been built and are still in use by the FIO Protocol, i.e. fiotop.
See blockpane/fio-tools: misc utilities for (
Database Dirty Flag
Relevant Issues
V1 History config:
warning Without the history-index-state-db-size-mb and history-state-db-size-mb settings nodes may stop with the warning: Database has reached an unsafe level of usage, shutting down to avoid corrupting the database. Please increase the value set for chain-state-db-size-mb and restart the process!
Ye olde folder deletion problem where you have to manually delete some folders when doing a replay
BP Input
[Ross/EOSphere} Restart with a snapshot from here and check the nodeos usage example at the bottom.
Also delete the two history folders in the nodeos binary directory you started from.
Thanks Ross; this particular setup has /var/lib/fio/ with data and history folders. It has no snapshots nor blocks dirs in data. There were two history* folders.
Taking what you said and doing what I could, I deleted the contents of the two history folders (backed up elsewhere). and restarted.
All is good with that node now! Repeated on my third node and wallah - Great. Thank you so much.
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