While the checklists capture the ToDos for a release, the following notes address the what and how of release preparation on LocalNet (a local deployment and test environment).
Git Branching and Release (fioprotocol.io)
Release Management Checklist Template This document details the process of creating, deploying and testing FIO on localnet as if it were a release. This process may be used as a final test for a major change, i.e. FIP, delivery before merge to Develop.
Deploying FIO Contracts (fioprotocol.io)
Jira Legacy | ||||||
Release Management focuses on the capture (release branching) and delivery (deployment and test to *DevNet, TestNet, MainNet) of features, bugs, etc.
MainNet deliveries: most changes will be merged into the Develop branch and flow down through DevNet, and TestNet but some (Hot Fixes) may not.
*DevNet deployment/test is considered happy path deployment and testing. It may be prudent to smoketest FIP branches (to be/are merged into Develop) to verify a Develop branch.
Release Content
The Project Manager will provide details and links to Development Documents, Development Documents (Active), to be included in a release.
Release Branching
The release branch naming will looking follow the release as documented in Releases folder.
Release Readiness
Release readiness entails the process of gathering the information noted above but also the deployment and testing of FIP, Develop branches along with application of the Release script on these branches to identify any issues, gaps in functionality, prior to cutting a release branch. This could include a formal review/demo of the Feature(s) with the Project Manager and the team.
Jira Legacy | ||||||
LocalNet/FIP Build, Deploy and Test Process (Review w/ Casey again!)
Review the Master Release Plan at Master Release Plan and identify the current MainNet release branches. For example, the 3.3.0 Release has the following repos/branches:
fio - release/3.3.x-dev
fio.contracts - release/2.7.x
fio.test - release/2.7.x_3.3.x
fio.devtools - release/2.7.x_3.3.x
fiosdk_typescript - release/1.6.x
On the server, clone and build a develop version of fio FIO core and the contracts
Clone the FIO Core branches and checkout each repo to the develop branch.
fio - develop
fio.contracts - develop
fio.devtools - develop
Build and install FIO
cd fio/scripts
Execute ./fio_build.sh
Execute ./fio_install.sh
Build the contracts
cd fio.contractsdevtools
Execute ./start.sh <FIO Version>
Local Startup (1)
Update/Build Contracts (2)
[Important] Copy this version of the fio.contracts to fio.contracts-<branch name>
To perform a smoketest against the develop version;
Start up the chain (see step 3c) and then run fio.test develop test suite (see step 56).
Clean the chain of runtime artifacts
cd fio.devtools
execute ./start.sh <FIO Version>
Local Startup (1)
Nuke All (3)
Continue - Yes (1)
On the server, update the repos cloned above (checkout to the current MainNet release) to test the functionality that will be in the upcoming release.
To build, deploy and test the release, check out the appropriate branch in the following repos:
For instance, to test the FIP-41, FIP-17a, FIP-
17b release (future), checkout out the
as follows:
fio.contracts - release/2.7.x
fio.devtools - release/2.7.x_3.3.x
Build the contracts
cd fio.contractsdevtools
Execute ./start.sh <FIO Version> and specify the following responses to the runtime options
Local Startup (1)
Update/Build Contracts (2)
Start the Local Chain
Execute ./start.sh <FIO Version> and specify the following responses to the runtime options
Local Startup (1)
Local Blockchain (1)
Increased Transaction Time (2)
On the server, execute the Release Script commands pointing to the contracts built in steps 2c and 2d. For example to update the chain to the FIO Core 3.4 Contracts 2.8 release, apply the actions in [fio 3.4 fio.contracts 2.8] release script.
On the client, clone and checkout check out the repo, fio.test. , to the develop branch
fio.test - develop
Update the fio.test config.js to point to the server
cd fio.test
vi config.js
Edit the test url to point to the server configured and running above
const TESTURL = 'http://<server ip>.8:8889'
This should be the only ‘active’ TESTURL
Execute the command ‘npm test’
Edit the index.js to run a custom set of tests
Document the results
To test against and individual FIP branchebranches, identify the branch(es) via the developer, the FIO github project or via the project development spec (reference Release Content above) and checkout the branches. For example, to test the FIP-41 updates, fio.contracts, fio.devtools repos were updated. Checkout the branches checked out as follows:
fio.contracts - feature/FIP-41-develop-03012022
fio.devtools - feature/FIP-41-develop-03012022