Permissions/Repository RolesThese
For more details of permissions in GitHub see https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-user-access-to-your-organizations-repositories/repository-roles-for-an-organization
members may request permissions along with details relating to why they need the desired permissions of the organization owners via DM or any other contact info that is appropriate for organization owners. Owners will evaluate the merits of requests and act according to the best interests of the FIO protocol.
The following permission items apply to teams and individual members within the FIO protocol organization.
Read permissions plus manage issues and pull requests.
Triage permission will be given to members as needed in their service of the fio protocol by the organisation owners as necessary to facilitate their efforts.
Triage permissions plus read, clone and push to repositories.
Organisation owners will be given admin permissions
Branch Recommendation for branch names for organization repositories
Code Owner – for each repository or groups of associated repositories there will be a set of organization members who are qualified to provide an approving review to enable merge of the PR (it is recommended at least 2 of these be identified per repo). it is recommended that GitHub Teams be used to identify code owners for related repositories on the GitHub. organization owners will manage the teams and members according to the best interests of the FIO protocol.
Merger – once a PR has met approval requirements any organization member with write access to the repository may merge the PR (this requires write access to the repo).
a process of change request will be used within FIO. By convention the FIO protocol owners will decide how many code owner reviewers are required for pull requests to be merged into the above named branches of each repository. it is recommended that for develop this number be at least 1 code owner, and for master it be at least 2 code owners. All FIO organization repositories should be configured in the same manner. Each should enable require review by code owners. a code owners file should be established in each repository.
Request to become a code owner by contacting an existing code owner or repository organization owner and providing credentials as a developer.
The granting of the code owner role will be performed by approval of the existing set of code owners.
Code owners who become inactive on the repositories in question will be removed from the set of code owners. Any code owner or organisation owner can ask of the existing code owners to give thumbs up thumbs Down via social media to remove an existing and inactive member.
Code owners may re-join the necessary team as their participation increases (code owners can be on the team then off then on again as needed by the FIO protocol)
It is assumed that the GitHub FIO organization owners will act in the best interests of the FIO DAO when interacting with the FIO community. If any community member feels that they are not, then issues can be brought up to the FIO steering committee during the normal steering committee WP review and monthly meeting process.