AWS Management Console (amazon.com)
Devnet Testing (fioprotocol.io)
FIO DevNet Private Repository/wiki/spaces/FO/pages/114131133
Building the DevNet tool
Clone the dapixio DevNet repo located at dapixio/fio-devnet: devnet remote node management tool (github.com).
As this is a private repo, you will need to be granted access as well as have either a GitHub Personal Access Token or other means of ‘cloning’ the repo. If using an access token, the clone url is as follows:
git clone https://<Personal Access Token>@github.com/dapixio/fio-devnet.git
Refer to git - Clone A Private Repository (Github) - Stack Overflow for guidance.
Once the repo is cloned, cd to the fio-devnet/cmd/devnet and execute the cmd, 'go build'. This will build the devnet executable.
These steps were performed on a machine with all the necessary dependencies, i.e. go, c/c++ compiler.
DevNet Environment
The DevNet environment consists of 4 nodes; the boot node as well as three remote nodes. The boot node is similar to a LocalNet (a local testing node) where an instance of FIO is built and executed using fio.devtools, acting as a 3 BP chain. The remote nodes are slave nodes, managed by the boot node via the “DevNet” tool; pushed a “release”, execute and register as 6 BPs, and produce block. These 4 nodes make up 21 Block Producers, similar to a TestNet or MainNet.
Refer to /wiki/spaces/FO/pages/114131133 for an overview of the DevNet environment.
DevNet Testing
DevNet Build, Deploy and Test Process
Setup and Deployment (Cut from Devnet /wiki/spaces/FO/pages/114131133 to reduce duplication in readme, wiki, release procedures)