I then ran tests to see how this version performs.
1) first look to see how the domains performs (I loaded an account with 20k domains.
2) I made a script to get these domains on this account in the background with .1 seconds sleep between calls to get_fio_domains.
3) I loaded the chain, then kicked off the query while creating the 20k domains, this all ran as expected.
4) then I ran testnet smok test tests while querying get_fio_domains. these ran as expected
5) then I ran the multiple runs of the testnet smoke tests concurrently while running the query to get_fio_domains. these ran as expected. 2)
look at how regression tests perform. 6) then I ran two instances of the queries on get_fio_domains concurrently while running the smoke tests, these all ran as expected.
next steps:
ill take a step back and regroup and try to find a way to demonstrably crush this server…