./clio.sh push action fio.fee createfee '{"end_point":"remove_all_nfts","type":"1","suf_amount":"289124578"}' -p fio.fee
Deploy system contract
./clio.sh set contract eosio /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.system/ -p eosio
Create account and set permissions and limits
Create the new account
./clio.sh create account eosio fio.escrow FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS FIO7isxEua78KPVbGzKemH4nj2bWE52gqj8Hkac3tc7jKNvpfWzYS -p eosio@active
./clio.sh eosio setpriv '["fio.escrow",1]' -p eosio@active
Set no limits and deploy contract
Remove RAM limits on the new account, this may be called by eosio, and fio.system only!
./clio.sh push action eosio setnolimits '{"account":"fio.escrow"}' --permission eosio@active
Deploy system contract
./clio.sh set contract eosio /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.system/ -p eosio
Set the contract on the new account
./clio.sh set contract fio.escrow /opt/FIO/bin/Contracts/last/fio.escrow/ -p fio.escrow