Usability test for Liquid Global on 07/20/2021 - 07/21/2021, using macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 on Chrome.
Registering a FIO Address and Mapping Crypto to FIO Addresses were both very easy and inutive processes. Liquid guides users to doing both on their platform.
Sending a FIO Request was also an easy process, however, no record of sent requests is available on the exchange or by email.
No functionality for receiving or accepting incoming FIO requests.
FIO Send is also an easy process, as long as receiving FIO address is properly mapped to the desired cryptocurrency.
Tron (TRX) works with FIO Send. Stellar (XLM) does not work with FIO Send.
FIO Requests are also not supported for Stellar (XLM).
Registering a FIO Address:
Very easy process. The exchange guided users to registering a FIO address.
The exchange offers users two paths to register a FIO address:
The banner at the top of the “Deposits” page.
Through setting up a crypto wallet in Liquid
I chose to avoid registering a FIO address through the banner to see if FIO address registration was presented to me through other means (eventually discovering path #2):
Clicked on “Wallets” then on “Deposits.”
Then clicked on “I Understand” for setting up a BTC Wallet.
BTC wallet is now accessible. With 3 options to fund the account:
1. Copying and Pasting BTC address
2. Using FIO Protocol (FIO Requests) → There is a call to action to reserve a FIO address
3. Buying BTC with a credit card.
Clicked on the “Reserve FIO Address” button.
After clicking on the “Reserve FIO Address” button,
was presented with a pop-up to go through the process of registering an address.
Mapping crypto to FIO Address:
Very easy process.
During the FIO Address registration process, Liquid guides users to mapping crypto (with existing wallets on Liquid) to their FIO address.
Not only does this ensure that users have crypto mapped to their FIO addresses preventing future FIO requests or send errors, but it also informs users that mapping is necessary for using FIO protocol. That way, users can be aware to map future crypto wallet addresses to FIO.
Sending a FIO Request:
Very easy and intuitive process. However, once a FIO Request is sent, there is no record of the request on Liquid’s exchange, or by email.
Under the TRX Deposits page, clicked on the “Request” button.
Potential Issues:
1. No record of sent requests.
On the bottom of the TRX Deposit page, a list of Completed Deposits is shown. However, no record of unfulfilled sent requests, or “Deposit Requests” are shown. This can be potentially problematic if the user has sent multiple deposit requests to various sources and is unable to track the status of those requests.
Having a “Deposit Request” section could be a solution.
The withdrawal page has a section for “Withdrawal Requests”. This is where processing withdrawals are shown. Processing withdrawals made through FIO send are also shown here.
Accepting a FIO Request:
Not available on Liquid.
Sending Crypto using FIO Send:
Easy and intuitive process. However, the user has to make sure that the receiving FIO address (in my case: emily@trustee), has TRX properly mapped to the FIO address.
If the receiving address is not properly mapped, will get the following error:
Process after having TRX mapped to emily@trustee:
Clicked on “Wallets”. Then under the “Balance” tab, clicked on “Withdraw” for Tron (TRX).
Clicked on “Get Started”.
Got transferred to a window to whitelist a TRX address. Toggled on “Use FIO Address”.
Inputted a FIO address with a wallet that supports TRX.
The TRX address field auto-populated. Inputted 2-factor code. Clicked on “Add TRX Address”.
TRX address field was already filled out.
Inputted withdrawal amount, 2-factor code, then clicked on “Confirm”.
Note: I funded more TRX to the account to cover the minimum withdrawal.
Pop-up screen that asks to check email for additional withdrawal confirmation.
Email showcasing withdrawal request.
Address field shows both FIO address and TRX address.
Clicked on “Confirm Withdrawal Details”
Taken to a Liquid webpage that shows withdrawal confirmation.
Clicked on “Back to Liquid”
The button redirected me to Liquid main page. Went to the TRX Withdrawal page, and saw the TRX withdrawal under “Withdrawal Requests”
Once processed, the transaction was removed from “WIthdrawal Requests” and now shown under “Processed Withdrawals”.
Stellar (XLM):
Did not work.
Could not use FIO Send with Stellar. Receiving FIO addresses on Edge and Infinito Wallet (wallets that support XLM), were properly mapped to Stellar.
Went to the Stellar (XLM) withdrawal page. Clicked on “Get Started”.
Pop-up to inform users that some Stellar
addresses require a Memo to send funds.
XLM is properly mapped to emilym@edge, yet showed an error. Edge does not require a memo to deposit XLM.
XLM is properly mapped to emily@infinitowallet, yet showed an error. Infinito Wallet does not require a memo to deposit XLM.
On the XLM Deposits page, Liquid shows that functionality with XLM is not available.
Usability test for Liquid Global on 06/18/2021, using macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 on Google Chrome.
Liquid provided a dummy account for testing purposes. However, the dummy account was mostly for testing trading and had limited functionality. Couldn’t test most of FIO’s features.
Registering a FIO Address:
FIO address already registered on the Liquid account. Couldn’t test address creation.
Sending a FIO Request:
Very easy and intuitive process.
Potential Issues:
No indication of pending sent requests anywhere.
Accepting a FIO Request:
Unable to accept FIO requests. Not sure if this is a feature that has been implemented into Liquid yet.
When sending requests from other providers (e.g. Edge, Shapeshift, Guarda) to Liquid, the requests didn’t go through successfully.
Suggestion for Incoming FIO Requests:
Sending Funds Using a FIO Address:
Unable to test this feature as withdrawals are restricted on the dummy account. Here part of the process:
On the withdrawal page, after adding an address, users are able to see their list of verified/unverified addresses.
The use of FIO is very clear and intuitive. Both the FIO address and its mapped ETH address are shown.