Versions Compared


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The milestone checklist tracks the release management tasks.






  •  Devnet fork test (Dev lead)
  •  Devnet performance test (Dev lead)

See: Bahamas (and migration) Devnet Test Plan


  •  Run upgrade using set code and set abi (Dev lead)


New contract tests

  •  Test ability to create new system contracts



  •  Socialize changes with all BPs on Testnet and the community and marketing (Eric)
  •  Monitor and coordinate the rollout with BPs (Eric)


  •  Make sure there is a release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch for current production release (need to update with new commits)
  •  Create release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch from develop, confirm it runs against new release

Build testing

  •  Replay from Genesis
  •  TBD: need list of other tests from Todd

fio chain - Pretest

  •  Roll out release to one or two BPs. Confirm things work smoothly.

fio (chain) - Remaining testnet BPs

  •  Create pre-release (Testnet Release Candidate - FIO vx.x.x-rcx)
  •  Update release notes
  •  Track chain upgrade of BPs

Testnet validation

  •  Run fio.test Testnet smoketest, confirm FIO Request getters still work
  •  Run fiosdk_typescript Testnet smoketest
  •  Confirm hashes of testnet
  •  Confirm versions of testnet nodes (how to do this?)

Mainnet prep

  •  Eric to work with Brit to coordinate Mainnet rollout plan with the BP, wallet, and exchange community, watch over the execution and help to ensure rollout is completed in full.
    •  During rollout ask about get_sent_fio_requests, get_pending_fio_requests, and get_obt_data. Do they hit those endpoints directly, or do they do table lookups?
  •  Socialize release changes with all BPs and the community and marketing
  •  Perform the rollout verification and report findings



  •  Move FIP status to Final and include release links (Eric)
  •  Update Initiative and Epic status (Eric)


  •  Merge release/n.n.x_m.m.x branch to master, create vn.n.n_m.m.m tag
  •  Run test tag against new release

fio chain

  •  Move pre-release to release (Release - FIO vx.x.x)
  •  BP mainnet node upgrade checklist is complete (BP spreadsheet, or create one in Jira)
  •  Perform the rollout verification and report findings
  •  Scan API nodes to confirm server_version_string (will not catch everything, but a good check)
